Killer idea on paper, but would it work?

The four cable method really isn't the same as what he explained at all. The four cable method is essentially the pedal then the amp with an output control using the pedal... There is no parallel processing going on really. So what's the benefit of doing that over normal wiring?
The four cable method really isn't the same as what he explained at all. The four cable method is essentially the pedal then the amp with an output control using the pedal... There is no parallel processing going on really. So what's the benefit of doing that over normal wiring?

He wants to run the POD clean channel and his amps dirty channel through his cabinet onstage, but have his Laptop control the switching via midi.
He wants to run the POD clean channel and his amps dirty channel through his cabinet onstage, but have his Laptop control the switching via midi.

Well damn, I guess it works then.... Would it not be cool to blend a POD tone and a tube amp tone in realtime live? Maybe put an IBP in the pod path just incase of phase issues?
It might be cool, but you're running the POD as a pre and the amps pre into the poweramp of the tube head - you'd be cascading preamps into eachother, which might not be as cool as completely separate signal paths for both units. Bit more to worry about in a live setting, as well, and considering how badass a 5150 or Recto sounds on it's own in a live setting... ;)
dude, i actually use a very similar set up but use the pod to do all the switching using a couple of nobels devices - one to convert midi to relays and the other a a/b with a ground lift and mute -

so guitar goes in to my tuner then out to the ab box,

that then goes 2 ways:

a - tubescreamer, rocktron hush, 6505 input

b - pod pro, fx return

best sounding rig i've ever had, obviously 6505 is set to rhythm channel crunch etc etc.... and the pod is just going straight to the power amp

switching is using one of the line 6 4 way pedles - i set A as 6505 (pod does nothing and just switches the relay) then b as a crunch type tone + delay level on the controller pedle- then i have two cleans with diferent fx etc

the only thing i cant do is get 6505 tone with fx using this method - but still best rig i've ever had, used to have a messa solo 50 in there but 6505 is just bigger live.
