Killing Ground - some sound bites!!!


Peter Day


hey any chance of us guys and girls getting the chance to hear a few snippets of the new songs either in there finished form or demo form. not a whole song but maybe a few 30 second snippets from say two to three songs...
Keep us salivating as to what the new songs sound like??!!!
just a thought but isn't that what a website is for, giving the real fans the chance to hear, speak to the band first. Keep in contact with like minded souls and to encourage other people to get into Saxon.
Well just an idea, put your mark if you think this is a good idea.

That's a great idea! I'd love to hear what the new stuff sounds like! Judas Priest has/had some sound clips online over at Atlantic . They sound OK. I think Halford has something like this going over at his site as well. But he is making a game out of it. He posted some clues himself about where to find "the prize" which many of think is a sound clip of a new song.

This board needs something like that. It'd be fun and I think it give us members more of a chance to interact with each other.

Of course just putting the sound clips up would be just as good. All I know is that I want to hear something off of Killing Ground very much.