King Diamond Still Rules!!!


Hate the World...
Sep 18, 2003
Orlando, FL
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING was going to keep me away from this concert last night!!! I hadn't seen King Diamond since the "THEM" tour way back in 1988, so I've been waiting for this tour for 15 FUCKING YEARS!!!

The sound inside TWILIGHT was very tight, and clear (more than I can say for Masquerade, can they PLEASE move Dimmu Borgir next door?!)... The first band was good (One Bullet Theory?), but the drummer in the band was kind of a Douche Bag when I met him. He was sucking up to Richard Christy, totally interupted my conversation with him, and then acted like I was a dick for trying to interupt his sucking up (whattafukkin DICK!)...

NOCTURNE were great as always, they are some very cool dudes, and the singer Lacey is smoking Hot. Although they didn't necessarily fit the bill for this tour, I always enjoy watching her, I mean them, play. I'll admit it... I like 'em...

I hadn't seen ENTOMBED since around 1988 as well (The Left Hand Path Tour with UNLEASHED), and my my how their style has changed. The stuff they were playing was very groove oriented Black Sabbathy Blues-ish, and I'll admit that I really enjoyed them too... I'll be picking up that new album this week...

KING DIAMOND opened up with Abigail's "Arrival", then went straight into "The Family Ghost", and followed it up with "Black Horsemen"... The rest of the set was kind of blurred because I'm fucking exhausted and only got 3 hours of sleep... "Welcome Home", "Halloween", "The Eye of the Witch", "The Invisible Guests", "No Presents", I don't remember much more... But I swear that I could have died a happy man after FINALLY getting to see my IDOL KING DIAMOND after all these years!!!

I finally made it back home at 3:45 am this morning, and had to go to work today... It sucks, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat!!!

I'm going tomorrow night. I had already once bought tickets and the show was canceled here in Houston, which I literally cried my heart out over. Then came an email Monday saying it was on again, that some shit with the old promotors caused it to be canceled in the first place. So I re-bought my tickets....and HOPEFULLY, I'll be going.