King Diamond....

Wicked Child

Mar 4, 2003
Vista, CA
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Y'know for some reason, I've been in a big King Diamond mood lately. It's gotten to the point where i cut class just to buy a couple King albums to feed my current addiction! He's all i've been listening to for the last week, which is odd, because if you asked me a year ago if i would ever get into him, i'd say no, because of his at times overly high vocals. So, let's talk King Diamond! Favorite songs, favorite albums, love him, hate him, never heard of him(for shame!), anything! My favorite album of his currently is Conspiracy. It's got hooks and riffs galore and...."Sleepless Nights" and "Amon Belongs to Them"...are those awesome songs or what!?
Personally, i'm having a hard time picking a favorite King Diamond SONG, but here are my favorites at the moment:

Dressed In White
No Presents For Christmas
Mansion In The Darkness
The Family Ghost
Welcome Home
Sleepless Nights
"AMON" Belongs To "THEM"
"LOA" House

and of course the best Mercyful Fate song of all time......EVIL!!!! The whole song kills, especially that awesome riff that comes in at about :17 into the song. classic!
my last purchase of any cd was voodoo. Very nice story, average music.

I have two night classes in college, and in my night commute, it is always king diamond!
Ooooooooooh. I loooove it when topics come up about King! Favorite songs? Wow. Here's my list but I know I'm missing a bunch...

Dressed In White
The Candle
The Possession
Twilight Symphony
Sleepless Nights
"Amon" Belongs To "Them"
Father Picard
Behind These Walls
The Polergeist
The Spider's Lullabye
I'm Not A Stranger
"LOA" House
Sending Of Dead
The Trees Have Eyes
The Pact
The Storm
The Crypt
The Puppet Master
No More Me

That should hold you over...
I experienced this same phenomena recently myself. We'll call it, "Diamonditis". Anyway, being a metal fan for 20 years I always saw and even read interviews with KD in all the mags like Hit Parader, RIP, Metal Edge, etc. I always just thought to myself, "What an idiot. If there's ever been a Gene Simmons ripoff it's this guy" and I left it at that. Never even gave him a listen or a second thought. Just thought he was too "kooky". Enter the SWINE...
SIXXSWINE hooked me up with a cdr of a couple Mercyful Fate songs (the ones METALLICA did) thinking that might break me in...AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Then, when the PUPPETMASTER came out he sent me a cdr of that and I liked it so much I bought a copy for myself just to have the art and the dvd...From there, I thought, "WHERE THE HELL HAVE I BEEN?" The KD/MF sound is the metal that I grew up on and never even knew it. The riffs are everywhere. The guitarists in both bands are just as good as the TIPTON/DOWNING or MURRAY/SMITH lineups in my opinion. Now, since PUPPETMASTER I've gone on to get King Diamond's THE SPIDER'S LULLABY and have plans to buy more KD/MF as my $$$ permits!
I am hooked! You gotta hear Spiders Lullaby if you dont have it!!!
It was "The Eye" that first got me and a bunch of my friends into metal... well, that and "Powerslave". KD was almost scary the first time I heard him. And yeah, the lineups, the lineups... sometimes it seems like they've come up with every good metal riff ever, and the drumming I won't even go into.

My current favorites are "Time", "Don't Break the Oath" and "Them".
King Diamond is definetly an artist that isn't easy for most to get into. When I first listened to King Diamond back in the summer of 2000 I didn't like him at all. I just couldn't get into it. Awhile later I had one of those 12 cds for the price of one deals from either Columbia House or BMG I forget which one. I needed another album so I said ah what the hell I'll give THEM by King Diamond a try. I ended up loving the album and since then King Diamond/Mercyful Fate has been some of my favorite stuff. Melissa is my favorite Fate album. I own the whole King Diamond studio catalog. The band is working on their live album sometime in March which I can't wait for. I saw King Diamond live back in November for the first time and it was amazing. Hearing songs like BURN and Eye Of The Witch ruled so much live.

Also for those of you who like King Diamond and Mercyful Fate check out Force Of Evil. Great new band featuring Hal Pinto, Michael Denner, Hank Shermann, Bjarn Holme all of Merculful Fate/King Diamond fame and lead singer Martin Steene from Iron Fire. They are excellent and have a very early Fate feel to them.
Not ot worry. I remember 2 years back I listened to the King almost exclusively for about 6 weeks. And then I went to a concert here in Norway (I think it was their first here in a decade or something). Anyhow, I was in front and I couldn't go away, it was addictive. (I got to 'slap' hands with the King as well. ihihiihiii). And this insanity continued for another few weeks. Only King. I think it's pure evil... spellbounding. :)

King Diamond is one of the few artists who never really disapoints me, even if some albums could have been better. His consistency is remarkable :worship:
Or maybe I'm just a blind fan ;)