Kirk Hammett

No More Beers said:
i think hammett is much better than loomis

using wah wah :loco: :loco:

First of all, poser! haha. Second of all, you got it wrong. Look at my'll realize there is a lot of thought put into it. He ISN'T good at using his wah because he just moves it back and forth a lot. That's terrible wah usage (Read: look at clapton for good wah usage). He just turns it on and wanks with it.
Moonlapse said:
Yngwie has written a second song? :OMG: :grin:

Regardless of weither you or anyone else thinks so he is still arguably one of the most accomplished guitar virtuosos of all time. Consistently selling albums for 20+ years isn't a fluke.

even if he does suck...
i tried to stay away from this topic.

do not fuck with yngwie.. in a non gay way, yngwie is beautiful... incredible vibrato, his tune ambderdawn gives me wood each time. spectacular.

as far as hammet is concerned.. i think he is bottom tier right now. he really is. any chops he did have are long lost.

loomis is upper echelon in metal, in terms of lead prowess and sick riffery...

but for TRUE mastery..guys that make me want to burn guitars.. allan and greg howe... untouchable.

im saying this is a listener and as a guitar junkie who has a guitar in my hands at least 3 hours a day.

I think there is a HUGE COP OUT from a lot of dudes who just got fed up with their progress, or who did not want to put in the time to develop a certain level of chops/technique... to you, I say fuck off when you bring up the argument of "such and such can play 1 note and it means more than 10,000 from such and such".

I hope I've made sense....
EtherForBreakfast said:
i tried to stay away from this topic.
to you, I say fuck off when you bring up the argument of "such and such can play 1 note and it means more than 10,000 from such and such".

its the argument of less is more vs more is more... the prior suggests a one armed sloth playing a coconut guitar has just as much potential as anyone else.
However in the appropriate situation less can be more tasteful...

but its still less regardless of its effect.

I am well aware of the point Less is More is going for... but its still a stupid idiology.
Haha, believe me, I'll be the last guy to diss Yngwie. I've spent many years analyzing his playing style and in more recent times, I've been learning his music.

I think the problem with him is that he gets a bit over-indulgent (as most virtuosi do) and ends up ruining some decent musical ideas with too much wanking. I think his stint with the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra is a testament to that. He wrote some decent stuff for the orchestra to play, but his own parts are just like *blank - insert wanky improv solo here*

Nonetheless I think he's a good person to watch for technique. I mean really... where would we be without those bends and vibratos...
I do enjoy the Concerto Suites but I totally agree with you that a lot of the wanking is a testament to why the Suite isn't better.

that and his guitar tone just sounds so awful when accompanied by the Orchestra.

as much of an Yngwie fan as I am I really don't care much for his tone to begin with.

I liked his sound a lot better on the earlier albums.
Personally I think Kirk has always been a great guitarist, I think he _does_ always come up with a solo to perfectly match the song. He doesn't only use pentatonics, just look at ride the lightning through black album. Plenty of weird scales, some sweeping, diminished notes, weird ass stertched hand positions... Yes re/load had a bunch of pentatonic based leads, but that's what the songs called for, they had a simpler structure & riffs... I suppose kirk should've used sweeps and a bunch of pinch harmonics and a phrygian dominant scale for the goddamn 'mama said' solo?

Loomis doesn't do too much for me _because_ of all the technique crap he throws in there. I like having a 'tune' to listen to as much as I love listening to shredding. Sure he'll kick Kirk's ass any day in a sweeping contest, but who gives a fuck, it all boils down to who you prefer listening to.

Kirk just plays a totally different style from Loomis', who cares if your buddy prefers one over the other.
Valid point all around, mostly.

J - here is an Allan clip, a random picked Allan (with him playing with Yngwies old rhtyhm section. =)

So.. if he is into kirk and kill em all, then so be it... but this is ridiculous guitar playing.. its on a level that comes from planet 9, space orbit 15

starts out with pents. just for reference...

Yeah man, I dig watching Holdsworth vids. There was this Gambale vid I watched where there was an excerpt of Allan going off for a bit... that's just fucking ridiculousness, lol
well after all this... how many of you really still care who's better?

Listen to and enjoy what ever it is ya like regardless of what anybody has to say about them.

Unless every single band on the face of the planet were all playing the exact same music... the question of who is better is irrelevant. The entire spectrum of
music is far to introspective to even allow for a difinitive answer assuming it were relevant.

Music won't criticise you, so why should we criticise it?
EtherForBreakfast said:
Valid point all around, mostly.

J - here is an Allan clip, a random picked Allan (with him playing with Yngwies old rhtyhm section. =)

So.. if he is into kirk and kill em all, then so be it... but this is ridiculous guitar playing.. its on a level that comes from planet 9, space orbit 15

starts out with pents. just for reference...


Olds worth can make one melt. The reason why he's different in regards to Malmsteen and Hammet is because he's come from a different way of looking at the instrument, plus stlye. Holdsworth loves John Coltrane and is more trying to mimic a sax on guitar. Plus he doesn't really like to see things in a chordal way in soloing, he just solos over how the chord moves instead of in a key. He moves around a lot on the board. Him and Jimmy Bruno kill me.
Kirk that's why i got in to guitar playing.
Planet Caravan solo, covered by Pantera, that's why i quit and switched to audioengineering/producing.
Who is Malmsteen and that Yngwiee guy????
ThatGuitarGuy said:
First of all, poser! haha. Second of all, you got it wrong. Look at my'll realize there is a lot of thought put into it. He ISN'T good at using his wah because he just moves it back and forth a lot. That's terrible wah usage (Read: look at clapton for good wah usage). He just turns it on and wanks with it.
i know, i just wrote it because loomis doesnt use wah, and in this "topic" he is better than loomis, i hope i made myself understood now