KISS Army of Jackasses

sixxswine said:
I could never get that carried away. It's a fucking toy car. At $100.00, that's how many cd's? How many concert tickets?
That's insane.
It's fuckin' crazy I know. But it happens to people all the time for some reason. I guess it all comes down to one rule: People are stupid :) Hehehehe.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You all really wanna know what the sad thing is??? I used to have one of those #$@#% cars!!! The same exact one!!! I got it at Target years ago for like $15 (still probably more than a lot of people would have paid) but I ended up trading it to a guy I worked with for a coupla cd's! Could'a made some $$$$$$$$$$. What would Gene say????
AngelWitch73 said:
It must be great to have money to waste on things like that. *sigh* lol
God even if you did, would you?
There's a component here that is
part mental illness & part the inablity to control
your immediate gratification...
similar to someone wanting to get jacked up on drugs...
The Ebay thing is also similar to video poker, where people
get this rush from winning or wanting to...
I think that thing is worth $20.00 tops & that would have been my max bid...
sixxswine said:
I could never get that carried away. It's a fucking toy car. At $100.00, that's how many cd's? How many concert tickets?
That's insane.:tickled:

Let's see, the places were I shop that would be about 10 or 15 cd. And as for concert tickets that would cover about half of the price of a show these days right? :) Which is why I don't go to shows any more.
Greeno said:
Let's see, the places were I shop that would be about 10 or 15 cd. And as for concert tickets that would cover about half of the price of a show these days right? :) Which is why I don't go to shows any more.
You got a point there, in the last two months I paid up the ass for the ZZ, VH & Scorpions shows... I think anymore I get a bit picky about who I go & see live. I remember back in about Junior & Senior year in high school I was going to one show a month!!! Two if I was lucky!!! I miss those days, the tickets were the cost of a brand new cd today....:cry:
It's wierd how in just four years, ticket prices have shot up from £18 for Entombed, Slayer and Iron Maiden to £27.50 for Quireboys and Whitesnake. The fuck?!

Both were great shows though :D
Ayeka said:
It's wierd how in just four years, ticket prices have shot up from £18 for Entombed, Slayer and Iron Maiden to £27.50 for Quireboys and Whitesnake. The fuck?!

Both were great shows though :D
Whitesnake was good?
I'd be curious & would see them if they rolled by here...
Ticket prices are insane!!!!
I just found out Megadeth is coming through here
on 11.29.04 & I'm considering going...
Fuck they might have got me again!:tickled: