Paul's Fake Hair...

Hawk said:
Damn! When you speak your mind you do speak your mind.

Thats all very well USM but I have to remember that Trixx is a respected member of our community, just as you are. I am glad he's back after a long absence and I am not gonna stand passively at the sideline watching you drive him away again.

Just show the guy a little respect and remember that what we like in music is the result of personal choices and values.

This is a friendly community and I'd like to keep it that way. So tone done the aggressiveness. You are not on a mission and this is not a battlefield [yet].

Point taken Hawk - and I have said again and again that I'm trying to be respectful here. I just find it odd that I'm getting bagged on when Trixx went ahead and insulted me - not the other way around.

Did I drive Trixx away the first time? That's news to me. If someone is going to leave because I can't stand glam then there might be a more serious problem at hand. Should I leave because he called me a twit? I don't think so.

I have shown Trixx respect by not making a personal insult back at him - but I don't hear anyone asking him to show me a little respect. Don't I deserve the same as ANYONE ELSE in the forum?

"Just show the guy a little respect and remember that what we like in music is the result of personal choices and values" - The same applies to me Hawk, just like anyone else.'s the deal:

If I offended anyone, or hurt anyone's feelings with my opinion about glam, then I am very sorry for that. I had no idea that expressing my honest opinion about this particular type of music would get people that worked up and cause people to insult me personally (and Trixx isn't the only one who did it, after reading some of the latest nuggets on page 3 - I'll leave it at that). I didn't feel that I tore anyone down - I just expressed my opinion and people took it personally. I hear people say that bands and style I like suck and I don't go having a fit about it, but that's neither here nor there.

Additionally, to show "respect" to a couple of people who have insulted me on a personal level, I won't respond at all.

If being honest, direct and forthright is to aggressive or makes me seem like I'm on a battlefield, then I'll just keep my opinions to myself - I just thought that this forum was for expressing ourselves - unless of course our opinion doesn't match with other people's opinion.

My sincerest apologies to all the feelings that were hurt by my harsh words about glam. The last thing I wanted to do was get anyone that worked up.

USMC0341 said:
Point taken Hawk - and I have said again and again that I'm trying to be respectful here. I just find it odd that I'm getting bagged on when Trixx went ahead and insulted me - not the other way around.
For which he more or less apologized when he said:

Trixxi Trash said:
"PS. Excuse me if I'm being really blunt or rude but I'm really fucking drunk at the moment."
And when I confronted him with his rude statements he apologized on the spot to me.

Trixxi Trash said:
Anybody who thinks a solo has to be "challenging" to be good is a fucking twit,
Hawk said:
Me raises hand. That would be me.
This is how Trixx answered:

Trixxi Trash said:
Hahaha sorry tiger! I just don't get the whole "it has to be hard to be good" attitude because to me its just whatever suits the song is best. I just think if you're not using your musical talent to make the overall sound & songs better then its a useless tool coz who cares how hard it is if its not serving some sort of purpose...

USMC0341 said:
Did I drive Trixx away the first time? That's news to me. If someone is going to leave because I can't stand glam then there might be a more serious problem at hand.
I wrote:

"I am glad he's back after a long absence and I am not gonna stand passively at the sideline watching you drive him away again."

The "watching you drive him away again." was not mean to imply that it was you that drove him away the first time. If I was unclear about that I am very sorry.

I did not mean to imply it. The only excuse I have is that English is not my mother tongue. Imagine yourself on a message board were the written language is Dutch...

USMC0341 said:
Should I leave because he called me a twit? I don't think so.
Did I leave because he called me a twit? Taking his context in consideration, he was drunk, you could have had understood him a bit better. Besides it was you who started the harsh comments when you said:

USMC0341 said:
"A band made up of shallow individuals who made their money on image rather than writing anything musically sound. Catchy melodies and sing-along choruses? Absolutely - but there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of musicians who write catchy stuff. Paul Stanley is never going to be known as a great guitarist, and Gene Simmons is barely a bassist. Peter Chris is about average, and Bruck Kulick, while he is pretty quick, the solos he plays are pretty lame and unchallenging from a guitarists point of view.

They have their niche, but in my book I thought the coolest thing about them was the makeup - I couldn't care less about their cheezy, repetetive 3 chord music.

That's my 2 cents...

Flame on..."
Now tell me the above is not deeply insulting to a Kiss fan.

USMC0341 said:
I have shown Trixx respect by not making a personal insult back at him - but I don't hear anyone asking him to show me a little respect. Don't I deserve the same as ANYONE ELSE in the forum?
Indeed you do and just like anyone else who is taking the wrong road your being told about it. Sorry dude its nothing personal but I disagree that you showed Trixx any respect at all. I have quoted the reason why.

USMC0341 said:
"Just show the guy a little respect and remember that what we like in music is the result of personal choices and values" - The same applies to me Hawk, just like anyone else.
Indeed it does and your knowledge about that little fact should be noticed in your messages.

USMC0341 said:'s the deal:

If I offended anyone, or hurt anyone's feelings with my opinion about glam, then I am very sorry for that. I had no idea that expressing my honest opinion about this particular type of music would get people that worked up and cause people to insult me personally (and Trixx isn't the only one who did it, after reading some of the latest nuggest on page 3 - I'll leave it at that). I didn't feel that I tore anyone down - I just expressed my opinion and people took it personally. I hear people say that nads and style I like suck and I don't go having a fit about it, but that's neither here nor there.

Additionally, to show "respect" to a couple of people who have insulted me on a personal level, I won't respond at all.

If being honest, direct and forthright is to aggressive or makes me seem like I'm on a battlefield, then I'll just keep my opinions to myself - I just thought that this forum was for expressing ourselves - unless of course our opinion doesn't match with other people's opinion.

My sincerest apologies to all the feelings that were hurt by my harsh words about glam. The last thing I wanted to do was get anyone that worked up.

Drop the act dude. Don't try to victimize yourself. You know better than that.

I do understand that you are a bit angry but think about it and make up.

Henri :wave:
at no point did Trixx Pesonally Attack you ... Me I was Trying to make my point but still be humorous ... Basiclly I just wanted you to Look at things from his Prospective ... we are not all the same and sometimes you you are abit Insensitive .. we all know Damn well how you feel about glam ...Hell I am pretty damn Cruel sometimes too but normally it is in Defense ... I never go into a post and write a small novel about how much I hate something that another obviously Likes or Loves Thats where the respect comes in ... I am not trying to flame you or anything I'm really not and Yes my opinion is no more important than yours prolly less so ..... I do respect your thoughts and opinions ... but Most dont have the balls to stand up to you because of your Strong opinions ... Do you Hate Glam stuff HELL YEAH we know it have since you started postin ...oh and naw you never drove Trixx away as far as I know lol .... The Point ( I hope hahaha) is 1.Trixx didnt say USMC0341 You are a Twit 2.You dont find any redeming qualitys in glam(thats ok but theres no need in Flogging a dead horse) 3.Believe it or not I do respect your opinion 4. you gotta be nicer :loco:

as I said I'm Not trying to flame ya just trying to Hammer my point through that Trained United States Marine Skull hehehe ... Remind me if I have Ever Dissed Bands or Styles you like I cant remember if I had or not if I did I am Sorry I try not to Stoop to that level and try to use my Bad posting style Ummm Fuck its gone hahaha ... Basiclly No Disrespect intended towards you
Hawk said:
For which he more or less apologized when he said:

And when I confronted him with his rude statements he apologized on the spot to me.

This is how Trixx answered:


I wrote:

"I am glad he's back after a long absence and I am not gonna stand passively at the sideline watching you drive him away again."

The "watching you drive him away again." was not mean to imply that it was you that drove him away the first time. If I was unclear about that I am very sorry.

I did not mean to imply it. The only excuse I have is that English is not my mother tongue. Imagine yourself on a message board were the written language is Dutch...

Did I leave because he called me a twit? Taking his context in consideration, he was drunk, you could have had understood him a bit better. Besides it was you who started the harsh comments when you said:

Now tell me the above is not deeply insulting to a Kiss fan.

Indeed you do and just like anyone else who is taking the wrong road your being told about it. Sorry dude its nothing personal but I disagree that you showed Trixx any respect at all. I have quoted the reason why.

Indeed it does and your knowledge about that little fact should be noticed in your messages.

Drop the act dude. Don't try to victimize yourself. You know better than that.

I do understand that you are a bit angry but think about it and make up.

Henri :wave:

Hawk - your last comment on dropping the "act" - that was sarcasm. I don't need to be a victim. I'm just trying to make a point that I was insulted on a personal level, where I only made a comment about a band. I think taking comments on a band or genre that seriously and resorting to personal insults doesn't help anything and played a big part in escalating this situation. Let's be honest about that. I'm not angry - a bit frustrated that I seem to be the only one getting bagged because I disagree with one of your own and I stood up for myself when they made it personal.

As for you not implying that I drove him away - I apologize for not acknowledging that English is not your native tongue. If I had known that I probably would have been able to deduce that you weren't implying that I drove him away. Apology accepted, hopefully you accept mine. If I were in a Dutch forum I would probably get myself thrown out in record time for not havng a good enough grasp of the language. I admire how well you understand the English language, especially since it is not your native one.

As for my comments about KISS, I wasn't aware that anyone should curtail their comments about a band out of respect for their fans. As an example - I am a HUGE Metallica fan, but I don't get all worked up and insulted when people in this forum SHRED them. They are entitled to their opinion and who the hell am I to go and take it personally? I would go out of my mind if I got that worked up everytime someone shredded a band I like. I was also very clear that I don't think my opinion about glam of KISS makes me better than anyone and that it was only my opinion. I don't know how much clearer I can be about that. If people are going to take people's opinions about bands that seriously then this kind of this will always happen. Look at the comments made about "if you've seen one guy who who plays 6 string basses like a guitar you've seen them all" - that's ME for pete's sake - but am I freaking out about the comment and insulting anyone back on a personal level? No I'm not...if that's someone's opinion, so be it.

I will try and make it a point not to be as harsh in my opinions, maybe be a little more sensitve to people's tastes and realize that not everyone has a thick skin when it comes to the style of music they prefer...but damn - let's be even handed in how you criticize everyone. It seems like it's all good to jump on me because I'm direct and blunt, but when the personal potshots come, I really don't hear anyone chiming in to check those people who make them. Maybe it's because I have a differing opinion on some musical subjects than a lot of people in here and that causes resentment. I'm not sure.

I don't know what else to say.

Trixx...if I insulted you on a personal level, I truly did not intend for that to be the result. I responded the way I did because you made things personal when you made the comments that you made - drunk or not. I could have let them roll off my back, but I didn't and now here we are.

Everyone else who seems to have been offended or decided to chime in with their own zingers at me - I'm sorry if my opinions don't sit well with you. I won't apologize for the way I feel, but I am sorry if anyone took offense.

That's about all I can say.

JonnyD said:
at no point did Trixx Pesonally Attack you ... Me I was Trying to make my point but still be humorous ... Basiclly I just wanted you to Look at things from his Prospective ... we are not all the same and sometimes you you are abit Insensitive .. we all know Damn well how you feel about glam ...Hell I am pretty damn Cruel sometimes too but normally it is in Defense ... I never go into a post and write a small novel about how much I hate something that another obviously Likes or Loves Thats where the respect comes in ... I am not trying to flame you or anything I'm really not and Yes my opinion is no more important than yours prolly less so ..... I do respect your thoughts and opinions ... but Most dont have the balls to stand up to you because of your Strong opinions ... Do you Hate Glam stuff HELL YEAH we know it have since you started postin ...oh and naw you never drove Trixx away as far as I know lol .... The Point ( I hope hahaha) is 1.Trixx didnt say USMC0341 You are a Twit 2.You dont find any redeming qualitys in glam(thats ok but theres no need in Flogging a dead horse) 3.Believe it or not I do respect your opinion 4. you gotta be nicer :loco:

as I said I'm Not trying to flame ya just trying to Hammer my point through that Trained United States Marine Skull hehehe ... Remind me if I have Ever Dissed Bands or Styles you like I cant remember if I had or not if I did I am Sorry I try not to Stoop to that level and try to use my Bad posting style Ummm Fuck its gone hahaha ... Basiclly No Disrespect intended towards you

No need to apologize JonnyD - it's all good chief.

If you ever dissed any bands I like - that's your opinion and your right and I have no right to get all worked up about it. It also doesn't change that fact that I think you're a super cool dude (even if you are a Red Sox fan).

No, Trixx didn't say "USMC you are a twit" but he did take something I said and then said that anyone who thinks that is a fucking twit. Same difference - but that's neither here nor there.

I'll try and tone down how I express my opinions. I guess I just assume everyone has thick skin.

If there's going to be resentment towards me because of the way I feel I really can't change that.

Again Jonny - it's all good man. It's all good with everyone here for shit's sake...even those that took pot shots at me.

Fair enough?

USMC0341 said:
No need to apologize JonnyD - it's all good chief.

If you ever dissed any bands I like - that's your opinion and your right and I have no right to get all worked up about it. It also doesn't change that fact that I think you're a super cool dude (even if you are a Red Sox fan)
Well I can tell ya if I did you should let me know lol ... I think your a cool too man and I still say we gotta hook up at a Show and Hang out ... Nothing about this discussion has changed that :)[/QUOTE]
USMC0341 said:
No, Trixx didn't say "USMC you are a twit" but he did take something I said and then said that anyone who thinks that is a fucking twit. Same difference - but that's neither here nor there.

I'll try and tone down how I express my opinions. I guess I just assume everyone has thick skin.

If there's going to be resentment towards me because of the way I feel I really can't change that.

Again Jonny - it's all good man. It's all good with everyone here for shit's sake...even those that took pot shots at me.

Fair enough?

I dont Feel abit of actual Resentment towards ya I really dont and I dont actually think you should so much tone down How you post ... But there are some subjects you should just leave alone hahah I have found it to be the best Policy ... Kinda like Never discussing Blaze Bayley around here haha its an instant fight ...sometime discussing certain Hard Rock/Metal Bands is Like discussing Religion or Politics its just not worth the trouble it causes .. my point with all the previous post was not to insult you I hope ya know:D anyways! Marine You are a Good Man! :wave:
JonnyD said:
Well I can tell ya if I did you should let me know lol ... I think your a cool too man and I still say we gotta hook up at a Show and Hang out ... Nothing about this discussion has changed that :)

I dont Feel abit of actual Resentment towards ya I really dont and I dont actually think you should so much tone down How you post ... But there are some subjects you should just leave alone hahah I have found it to be the best Policy ... Kinda like Never discussing Blaze Bayley around here haha its an instant fight ...sometime discussing certain Hard Rock/Metal Bands is Like discussing Religion or Politics its just not worth the trouble it causes .. my point with all the previous post was not to insult you I hope ya know:D anyways! Marine You are a Good Man! :wave:[/QUOTE]

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

We should definitely catch a show and hang out sometime.

Very interesting that there are some subjects that are best left alone. I know people feel very strongly about bands and subjects, but we should all try to undstand that there will always be people who don't agree, regardless of how hard it may be to comprehend how some people can feel a particular way.

Regardless...we're cool JonnyD...nothing's gonna change that, unless the Red Sox win the next 10 World Series...;)
USMC0341 said:
We should definitely catch a show and hang out sometime.
We will Have to arrange something Like Maybe Ozzfest Next year or somethin or Possibly that Amorphis/Into Eternity Show in March :D

USMC0341 said:
Very interesting that there are some subject best left alone. I know people feel very strongly about bands and subjects, but we should all try to undstand that there will always be people who don't agree, regardless of how hard it may be to comprehend how some people can feel a particular way.
that is true but sometimes Diplomicy is the best policy I know ya know what I mean ... Essentually we are all Right no matter what our opinions actually are ... but different ppl react in different ways

USMC0341 said:
Regardless...we're cool JonnyD...nothing's gonna change that, unless the Red Sox win the next 10 World Series...;)
yep were cool bro! hehehe you just watch they might do it :devil: hahah though I dont know the Dumbfucks Traded alot of the key players away ... Typical Red Sox move hahahaha
Greeno said:
Too bad it doesn't sound like it. :)

by "it" im assuming you mean the genre's of metal i listen to like thrash & black metal ... if you actually tried to listen to some of the bands i like without being prejudice because you have it in for me i would take you serious... but since you singled me out for the KISS bashing (i didnt totally bash them.. i did say Ace is a very influential guitarist and that i thought he was/is good.. i even liked a song or two of his band from the 80's Ace Frehley's Comet and also said i liked the Destroyer album) instead of commenting on others who have bashed KISS as well i wont take this conversation too serious... if you like glam and KISS more power to you (i never said i hated that genre completely in fact i have always liked poison purely for the entertainment factor of their music and seen them live in concert like 2 times with Tesla and have the concert on tape) but i just dont like KISS and if people hate me for saying i hate a band then so be it... :wave:
JonnyD said:
We will Have to arrange something Like Maybe Ozzfest Next year or somethin or Possibly that Amorphis/Into Eternity Show in March :D

that is true but sometimes Diplomicy is the best policy I know ya know what I mean ... Essentually we are all Right no matter what our opinions actually are ... but different ppl react in different ways

yep were cool bro! hehehe you just watch they might do it :devil: hahah though I dont know the Dumbfucks Traded alot of the key players away ... Typical Red Sox move hahahaha

I have a feeling it will be another 86 years after they just got rid of some players lol ... right now im interested to see if the Mets will turn themselves around even though i hate the Mets ..... :Smokedev:
USMC0341 said:
As for my comments about KISS, I wasn't aware that anyone should curtail their comments about a band out of respect for their fans. As an example - I am a HUGE Metallica fan, but I don't get all worked up and insulted when people in this forum SHRED them. They are entitled to their opinion and who the hell am I to go and take it personally? I would go out of my mind if I got that worked up everytime someone shredded a band I like.

Perfectly stated.

For example, two of may fav bands are Led Zep and the Beatles. Many members of this forum have ripped both bands new assholes in recent days. And, in my view, that's fine.
You know why? I didn't write the songs. I wasn't in either band.

Never, under any circumstances, should opinions concerning any of this be taken so personally and seriously.
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
I have a feeling it will be another 86 years after they just got rid of some players lol ... right now im interested to see if the Mets will turn themselves around even though i hate the Mets ..... :Smokedev:
Me too They have Blown ALOT of Money! hahahaha... Also I am curious to see if Derek Lowe is going to be worth the 30 Mill+ the Dodgers are going to be paying ... Somehow I doubt it
USMC0341 said:
I'm not angry - a bit frustrated that I seem to be the only one getting bagged because I disagree with one of your own

You seem to be forgetting that you are also one of our own.

USMC0341 said:
Look at the comments made about "if you've seen one guy who who plays 6 string basses like a guitar you've seen them all" - that's ME for pete's sake -

:lol: I said that and I still think it's funny.... it was totaly posted as a joke.

Come on man, people can make fun of guys who wear makeup but not guys who play 6-string basses? :lol:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
by "it" im assuming you mean the genre's of metal i listen to like thrash & black metal ...

Actually I was referring to the kind of music that Hawk and the Marine like... prog metal (guess that's the right term). And I said it just kidding around.

Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
if you actually tried to listen to some of the bands i like without being prejudice because you have it in for me i would take you serious...

Shit, I totally forgot that I had it "in" for you!!!

Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
but since you singled me out for the KISS bashing instead of commenting on others who have bashed KISS as well i wont take this conversation too serious...

I could care less if you bash KISS. And I think I was also commenting on the Marines posts.

Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
but i just dont like KISS and if people hate me for saying i hate a band then so be it...

I don't hate you for not liking KISS. Could care less.

You started the whole "you've seen one guy do this you've seen everyone do this" thing so don't get pissed when I play along.
SoundMaster said:
Perfectly stated.

For example, two of may fav bands are Led Zep and the Beatles. Many members of this forum have ripped both bands new assholes in recent days. And, in my view, that's fine.
You know why? I didn't write the songs. I wasn't in either band.

Never, under any circumstances, should opinions concerning any of this be taken so personally and seriously.

Couldn't agree more SoundMaster. Straight and to the point.