Paul's Fake Hair...

JonnyD said:
Me too They have Blown ALOT of Money! hahahaha... Also I am curious to see if Derek Lowe is going to be worth the 30 Mill+ the Dodgers are going to be paying ... Somehow I doubt it
Lowe was greatly overpaid by the Dodgers. Lowe's a 'decent' pitcher, at best.
But he's not worth that contract.

At the same time, in terms of actual numbers, Pedro is not worth the deal that the Mets awarded him. However, that deal was more about 'credibility', from the Mets perspective than anything. They needed to add juice to the team and to make the team more attractive to other, potential players.

If the Mets also sign Carlos Delgado, they'll have an awesome lineup. However, the bullpen is attrocious, and after Pedro and Glavine, their rotation is highly suspect.

I hate to say it, but I think the Braves have improved greatly, with the addition of Tim Hudson & with Smoltz moving back to the rotation.
I foresee another Atlanta division title.

As for Boston, they are weaker than last season, but not by much. I fully expect another dogfight with the Yankees this season.
David Wells - if healthy - can be better than Pedro. Again, only if healthy. And that's a huge question mark.
Matt Clement is nothing more than a number 4 starter. I think Boston will rue his signing. He has the stuff, but has never lived up to his potential.
The best move they made was signing Wade Miller to a puny $1M contract. Again, he's a huge health risk, but if healthy should win 16+ games.
Greeno said:
You seem to be forgetting that you are also one of our own.

:lol: I said that and I still think it's funny.... it was totaly posted as a joke.

Come on man, people can make fun of guys who wear makeup but not guys who play 6-string basses? :lol:

I understand that I am also "one of our own", and that's something that I truly love about this forum - But when I said "one of your own" - I was more specifically referring to the "glam" subset of the OS forum banding together against the evil USMC0341 for daring to speak his mind about glam (that's a joke too Greeno)...

I also know that you were the one who made the 6 string bass comment Greeno - but in the interest of not making the situation worse, I didn't single you out by name or make any comments back at you. I couldn't really tell it was posted as a joke, but I believe you when you say it was - another reason I didn't say anything back at you. And you can make fun of anything you want - that's your right and you are entitled to your opinion. Like I said - it's not going to hurt my feelings. Acknowledging that someone made a negative comment about you does not equate to being upset about it.

And just for the record - I'll take a 6 string bass over makeup any day - but that's just me.

JB :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Greeno said:
Actually I was referring to the kind of music that Hawk and the Marine like... prog metal (guess that's the right term). And I said it just kidding around.

Shit, I totally forgot that I had it "in" for you!!!

I could care less if you bash KISS. And I think I was also commenting on the Marines posts.

I don't hate you for not liking KISS. Could care less.

You started the whole "you've seen one guy do this you've seen everyone do this" thing so don't get pissed when I play along.

It's "Couldn't care less" Greeno...if you COULD care less, that means you actually care to some extent. ;)

And I actually don't like most prog metal Greeno. Some of it is OK, but there's just way too much going on in most of it for me (Dream Theater are some sick musicians, but I don't like most of their stuff - I respect their abilities but it's too over the top for me). I'm more of a Thrash fan than anything. Fast and technical rhythms with really aggressive drumming (the latest Shadows Fall album is an good example of what I'm really moved by lately).

Just thought I'd clarify...

JB :headbang: :kickass: :headbang:
USMC0341 said:
I understand that I am also "one of our own", and that's something that I truly love about this forum - But when I said "one of your own" - I was more specifically referring to the "glam" subset of the OS forum banding together against the evil USMC0341 for daring to speak his mind about glam (that's a joke too Greeno)...
:lol: :lol: :lol: Thats a Gooood Joke Man! :)
Greeno said:
Actually I was referring to the kind of music that Hawk and the Marine like... prog metal (guess that's the right term). And I said it just kidding around.

Shit, I totally forgot that I had it "in" for you!!!

I could care less if you bash KISS. And I think I was also commenting on the Marines posts.

I don't hate you for not liking KISS. Could care less.

You started the whole "you've seen one guy do this you've seen everyone do this" thing so don't get pissed when I play along.

Much like the Marine i couldnt tell if you were kidding or not and since our little incident way back when about Europe I would definetly not be able to tell.. also in your own thread you mentioned you been in a "mood" lately... but no problems if it was said in jokingly way.. my bad then... :wave:
tedvanfrehley said:
Hey, let's all remember one thing...GENE SIMMONS HAS BEDDED OVER 4500 WOMEN. You don't get THAT by way of musical integrity!

I'm sure Lemmy has bedded at least 1,000 chicks in his musical career.. doesnt mean i would bed him if i were a groupie , rockstar or not (after all he's one ugly mofo lol and Gene is no GQ looking person neither lol if anything it's his tongue and the fact he's in a famous band that gets him laid otherwise i doubt he would even get 1/10 of that amount if he wasnt) and it still doesn't mean Gene and Kiss play kick ass music lol ... they bedded him because of being a "rock star" in a "famous band"... :loco:
sixxswine said:
Fuck me! I will see what the KISS army of Jackasses thinks this is worth...
I am 100% in agreement with Trix. Gene is a decent vocalist and has some fine songs, but Paul Stanley's voice is almost as unique as guys like Ozzy etc. I think HE is what made Kiss what they are. Listen to songs like "I Still Love You" or "I'll Fight Hell to Hold You." If there is one small thing that makes Kiss truly a competent rock and roll act is Paul's outstanding voice. Dio would wipe the floor with Paul's wig even at 112 years old, but Paul still to this day, is the most energetic member live, he takes care of his voice and sounds great. At least it is not Kiss itself selling the product.

I've always liked Ace's songs (and vocals) the best.... Shock Me, Torpedo Girl, 2000 Man (yes, I know it's a cover), Getaway, Talk To Me, NY Groove.
Woah I'm away for a couple of days and this thing has exploded!! First I just wanna say thanks to Hawk & JD especially for understanding what I meant there and trying to stick up for me :) Thanks!

USMC0341 - I just read your posts about why you don't like glam etc... Firstly just to respond to them, that's cool man everyone has their opinions and that's yours, though one thing I would say is not to generalise too much because there were glam bands who were just as musically competent as prog metal bands and pushed the envelope musically rather than or as well as visually (Nitro and Vinnie Vincent Invasion are 2 examples, look up info on guys like Michael Angelo, Bobby Rock, Vinnie Vincent, etc.)

But forget that coz thats not important really. Although I did defend KISS and state my personal reasons for loving them, you seem to have missed the entire point of my posts. I wasn't saying that you have to respect KISS themselves or respect glam... my point was to respect the FANS. That is ALL I was arguing (and thats also why I did my long post defending KISS, I didn't say that to make you respect KISS, I wrote it all so you could see where we are coming from and show us some respect).

The main point of the argument was THIS:

I don't appreciate being called the KISS Army Of Jackasses because that is disrespectful to fans who have every right to love the band. People can call KISS jackasses all they want, doesn't make a difference to me, but to call their fans the KISS Army Of Jackasses is wrong in my opinion. That is what I was arguing and that is what I said to show some respect about. Not to the band, but to the fans. Alot of metal fans have a superiority complex where they look down on fans of simpler music and that is what annoys me. You can look down on those bands if you wish but just because a person prefers to listen to something simpler doesn't mean they should be looked down upon.

Now I know that you personally even said that you don't think we are a bunch of jackasses and that's cool man. I wasn't flaming at you. The point of my long post defending KISS after that, just basically just saying not to judge them on a) the hits or b) only the makeup era because dudes like Vinnie Vincent, Eric Singer and Bruce Kulick ARE very talented musicians and as I said you don't get hired by KISS, Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Meatloaf, Lita Ford, Gary Moore, etc unless you are a top player. I wasn't saying you have to like them or even respect them, I was just trying to say to write them off completely as musicians just because Ace, Peter & Gene aren't great musicians because they are only 3 out of about 10 musicians KISS have had. Basically that's all I was trying to say man. You can bag the things you hate about KISS all you like and it doesn't bother me, but personally I try to make a habit of not bagging things I'm not really familiar with and I think anybody who has heard guys like Vinnie, Eric, Bruce and Mark St John play would agree that they are great musicians. That is all, I'm sorry man again that it came across so strong but I even said at the end of the post that I was drunk at the time which is why it came across rude.

And for the record I never attacked you or anybody in particular (except for the accidental reference to Hawk's "challenging" comment oops but he was cool about that and understood). Fuck, USMC0341 I don't even remember you posting anything before I gave that lecture! (I read back now and saw that it was you but when I posted I didn't know who said what, I just answering to the general feeling that came across in everyone's posts). I have NO idea why you thought I was making personal attacks at YOU?!? Everything I said was in general reference to the attitude & treatment that myself and other KISS fans get alot from other metalheads who look down on us. So I'm sorry if you somehow thought I was talking directly to you but I don't even remember anything you personally had to say about KISS prior to my posts so I don't know how it could have been directed at you.... Again I'm sorry if you took it the wrong way but everything in there was directed at common remarks & insults we get.
Oh yeah, and the parts like "fucking twits" was just the alcohol making my language and the arguments a little more colourful. It obviously (well I would have thought it would be obvious) didn't literally mean that you personally are a fucking twit.
Ahhhh, Trixter I shared the same opinion as you about KISS. At one time.
I got sick of being burned by them. I still think their records from KISS-Love Gun are king. Be honest, there's dedicated fans & then there's just plain stupidity. I don't know if I'd be bidding on Jon Schaffer's wig, though I am a fan of his. Who else would do this, but a member of the KISS Army of Jackasses?!
Would I be bidding on Nikki Sixx's dixie cup that he used on stage? No. But I have seen people bid on a Gene Simmons dixie cup on Ebay! Yes, it got bids in the triple digits! And there was no way to confirm that he used it. Unless you have some manner to test for his DNA. And I don't wanna know what one did to get a sample of it to begin with. Yuk! So don't get your Angus Youngs in a bunch & chill...
No I wouldn't be bidding on that stuff either but it doesnt mean every KISS fan is a jackass and thats just how it comes across these days when every time KISS is mentioned everybody just talks about their fans being dickheads... Besides, there are blindly obsessive fans like that for every band. Some just more than others and because KISS has a generally loyal fanbase I spose it just means there is always going to be more of a degree of that, but the majority of KISS fans as dedicated as they are don't buy all the pointless merchandise...
Trixxi Trash said:
Woah I'm away for a couple of days and this thing has exploded!! First I just wanna say thanks to Hawk & JD especially for understanding what I meant there and trying to stick up for me :) Thanks!

USMC0341 - I just read your posts about why you don't like glam etc... Firstly just to respond to them, that's cool man everyone has their opinions and that's yours, though one thing I would say is not to generalise too much because there were glam bands who were just as musically competent as prog metal bands and pushed the envelope musically rather than or as well as visually (Nitro and Vinnie Vincent Invasion are 2 examples, look up info on guys like Michael Angelo, Bobby Rock, Vinnie Vincent, etc.)

But forget that coz thats not important really. Although I did defend KISS and state my personal reasons for loving them, you seem to have missed the entire point of my posts. I wasn't saying that you have to respect KISS themselves or respect glam... my point was to respect the FANS. That is ALL I was arguing (and thats also why I did my long post defending KISS, I didn't say that to make you respect KISS, I wrote it all so you could see where we are coming from and show us some respect).

The main point of the argument was THIS:

I don't appreciate being called the KISS Army Of Jackasses because that is disrespectful to fans who have every right to love the band. People can call KISS jackasses all they want, doesn't make a difference to me, but to call their fans the KISS Army Of Jackasses is wrong in my opinion. That is what I was arguing and that is what I said to show some respect about. Not to the band, but to the fans. Alot of metal fans have a superiority complex where they look down on fans of simpler music and that is what annoys me. You can look down on those bands if you wish but just because a person prefers to listen to something simpler doesn't mean they should be looked down upon.

Now I know that you personally even said that you don't think we are a bunch of jackasses and that's cool man. I wasn't flaming at you. The point of my long post defending KISS after that, just basically just saying not to judge them on a) the hits or b) only the makeup era because dudes like Vinnie Vincent, Eric Singer and Bruce Kulick ARE very talented musicians and as I said you don't get hired by KISS, Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Meatloaf, Lita Ford, Gary Moore, etc unless you are a top player. I wasn't saying you have to like them or even respect them, I was just trying to say to write them off completely as musicians just because Ace, Peter & Gene aren't great musicians because they are only 3 out of about 10 musicians KISS have had. Basically that's all I was trying to say man. You can bag the things you hate about KISS all you like and it doesn't bother me, but personally I try to make a habit of not bagging things I'm not really familiar with and I think anybody who has heard guys like Vinnie, Eric, Bruce and Mark St John play would agree that they are great musicians. That is all, I'm sorry man again that it came across so strong but I even said at the end of the post that I was drunk at the time which is why it came across rude.

And for the record I never attacked you or anybody in particular (except for the accidental reference to Hawk's "challenging" comment oops but he was cool about that and understood). Fuck, USMC0341 I don't even remember you posting anything before I gave that lecture! (I read back now and saw that it was you but when I posted I didn't know who said what, I just answering to the general feeling that came across in everyone's posts). I have NO idea why you thought I was making personal attacks at YOU?!? Everything I said was in general reference to the attitude & treatment that myself and other KISS fans get alot from other metalheads who look down on us. So I'm sorry if you somehow thought I was talking directly to you but I don't even remember anything you personally had to say about KISS prior to my posts so I don't know how it could have been directed at you.... Again I'm sorry if you took it the wrong way but everything in there was directed at common remarks & insults we get.

It's all good Trixx. Just to clarify:

I thought you called me a fucking twit because you took something I said directly and said that anyone who thinks that is a fucking twit. If it was unintentional, as you say, then i believe you and no hard feelings whatsoever.

Contrary to popular belief - I've listened to a lot of KISS - there were lot's of older guys in the neighborhood where I grew up, and a lot of my friends had older brothers who were listening to them. KISSy played a huge role in rock and stage shows. Maybe I went overboard - but I still say they are more about image than anything and I don't really think they stand out in any way as far as musicians. That's just my opinion. Paul Stanley does have a decent voice, but I don't like it.

As for glam - Sixx and I had it out about this when I first joined UM. I have a sister who is a year younger than me. I lived through her musical evolution, from Duran Duran all the way through every pretty-boy glam band that ever existed. I can probably sing most albums word for word because they played non-stop in my house. If it weren't for all her hot friends - I would have moved out. Anyway - my point is - I am not someone who feels the way I do about glam from an ignorant perspective. I've heard a TON of music from a SHITLOAD of glam bands...and I am pretty confident that my opinion has been formed only after giving those bands the benefit of the doubt and not forming an opinion until I have heard more than my fair share of their stuff.
I think I was also pretty clear about not saying ALL glam bands were cheesy musicians...but I still say most of them were and are. Again - that's just my opinion, and any time one of those musicians proves me wrong - I'm the first to admit it.

Lastly - I meant absolutely no disrespect to ANY fans of KISS or glam. That's why I opened up my "rant" with "I don't think they are an army of jackasses" - because I don't. Was it a funny comment? Yes...but I try not to insult the fans because we end up like this thread did for a while.

My opinions are my opinions, and yours are yours. I give you credit Trixx for at least respecting the style you like by knowing everything you possibly can about all the bands etc...that shows dedication and a true passion for it.

All I can say is that whether my opinions jive with anyone or not - I have at least formed my opinions after giving the styles more than a fair shake and listening to a lot the bands that they have to offer.

Again's all good. No hard feelings mate. We're cool as far as I'm concerned.

JB :headbang:
sixxswine said:
Regardless of what people feel about KISS to me, they are like the Pro Wrestling of Rock N Roll. I know, I know it isn't meant to be taken seriously. At what point do the old men behind the paint grow up?!
It is quite funny to witness middle-aged men, decked out in clown make-up and ass-less leather chaps, singing teen-aged rebellion tunes such as "Let Me Go Rock n Roll" or "Rock n Roll All Night". :tickled:
Something's just not right there.