Kiss or Anthrax

walking dead 666

Evil Walks
Mar 22, 2005
Montreal, Canada
Kiss = Anthrax
Chuck And Scott learnt from the best! How to exploit past members, dump current ones, and put out multiple live CD's & Dvd's.

Bring back Bush soon & all will be forgiven!
I think the reunion will bring a lot of people in the beginning, but those people will miss John and see that he was supperior than Joey and they will leave the band quickly!! The true fans will stay and want John to be back.
Matt Bello said:
I think the reunion will bring a lot of people in the beginning, but those people will miss John and see that he was supperior than Joey and leave the band quickly!! The true fans will stay and want John to be back.
True Dat!
walking dead 666 said:
I'm refering to all this new crap being put out as a result of the reunion.

even then, too few releases. Metallica and Kiss started releasing every single show they played, and I love the concept. For $25 I had a perfect stereo soundboard recording of the Kiss show I saw last year. I never bought the Metallica show I saw last year though...

Besides, it would be silly to do a reunion and not release live CDs or DVDs from it.
there is a lesson to learn, Psycho Circus didn´t sell as much as they expected, Gene himself said there will be no next studio record ever, and they fired the reunited members (Criss, Frehley) afterwards anyway.
Brentney Spears said:

Fuck I can see the band in those spandex/lycra get ups the BCR's used to wear...
Not pretty :yuk:
walking dead 666 said:
Or Anthrax meets the phantom of the park movie!
Thats pretty bloody funny! So who's got which special power? I can just see that low budget laser effect transmitted from Scott Ians eye!
KISS is the hardest wanking band in the world and KiSS-fans who buy every fucking doll, lunchbox or casket and then complains about having an empty wallet at the end of the month neads a headshot.
If you want to slag a band for releasing too many live stuff slag Maiden, I swear they have more live albums than anyone, but I don't mind at least Blayze isnt on one of them and Rock In Rio rules, as good as MFMD is I still say Rock in Rio is the best concert dvd ever. But to go with the poll I have to say Anthrax just because of what Gene and Paul are doing now. C'mon, having Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer wear Ace and Peter's makeup and costumes sickens me. If Kiss want me back as a fan (I will always love the 70's stuff) they should get the Revenge lineup back, or get Ace and Peter back.
johnnieCzech said:
there is a lesson to learn, Psycho Circus didn´t sell as much as they expected, Gene himself said there will be no next studio record ever, and they fired the reunited members (Criss, Frehley) afterwards anyway.

Psycho Circus was a pile of dogshit. The only member who has any talent of the four was Ace Frehley. His last 2-3 solo release were far superior to ANYTHING Kiss has put out in twenty years. It always kills me that they bag Ace when it is also a fact that the ONLY solo release of the four that they put out way back when, that was good was Ace's. And it was freakin great. Anthrax covered "Rip it Out" from that release and Dimebag covered "Fractured Mirror". Not to mention it had "Back in the New York Grove", "Speeding Back to My Baby" and "Snowblind" on it.

The song "Trouble Walkin" by Ace is better than 95% of all songs put out by Kiss.
Armored Thrax said:
. It always kills me that they bag Ace when it is also a fact that the ONLY solo release of the four that they put out way back when, that was good was Ace's.

What about Gene covering 'When you wish upon a star'? :yuk:

I think you're right though, the stuff Ace did in the 80's was way better than the trash Kiss put out. The first Frehley's comet album was killer and now I got the chorus to Rock Soldiers in my head.
aliasp said:
Fuck I can see the band in those spandex/lycra get ups the BCR's used to wear...
Not pretty :yuk:

Which Bay City Rollers are You talking about!!!

They used to wear Tartan Flares and wrote Fucking Horrible songs Like "Shangalang"

I know !!!! Cos my older sister used to torture me with them!!!