Old video,new HBB

Bass Fellow

Feb 7, 2002
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Played "Caught in a Mosh" last night on HBB from the NFV. Imminent signs? Since we are gossiping, they have been playing White Zombie the past two weeks on HBB. Sharonfest X : Sabbath, Maiden, Anthrax, White Zombie ..??? THIS IS GOSSIP. NOT KNOWN BY ANYONE BUT MY IMAGINATION!

Also, (Scott & Charlie) they're huge KISS fans. KISS were successful with a new line-up but brought back the old. Sorry but $$ is the bottom line and if 'thrax can have fun doing it( somehow graciously) they probably will. I dunno about sharing singers. We know it wouldn't be like Hagar and DLR but....

Personally, I don't like it but would feel better if there is a future of Armored Saint/Anthrax billings. Still that fucks Rob. (or Danny..too bad)

Just thoughts fellow members!
Yeah, i did find that kinda strange that the classic caught in a mosh video was played. its only once in a fuckin blue moon that mtv plays anthrax videos on tv. damn, we think alike cause right when it came on i was thinking could this be a sign of some sort.
Bass Fellow said:
Also, (Scott & Charlie) they're huge KISS fans. KISS were successful with a new line-up but brought back the old.

Of course. But who´s Kiss drummer now? Eric Singer. And why?
very true, only now though. Back in the day that shit was sick ! the had anthrax on all the time. back then it was adventurous, they did shit like sky dive with dave mustaine and they would travel to different countrys only for a single interview while the band was on tour. now its just pretty boring cause they just sit there and talk to that guy from hatebreed. mtv2 needs to bring the old shit back. and bring back riki ractman.
yeah, the video is an edit from NFV.

God, I spent a good part of my early adolescent years watching that video!!
Absolute classic!
Anthrax_Mosher said:
very true, only now though. Back in the day that shit was sick ! the had anthrax on all the time. back then it was adventurous, they did shit like sky dive with dave mustaine and they would travel to different countrys only for a single interview while the band was on tour. now its just pretty boring cause they just sit there and talk to that guy from hatebreed. mtv2 needs to bring the old shit back. and bring back riki ractman.

No, MTV needs to go and fuck itself.