Kiss or Anthrax

The_Void said:
What about Gene covering 'When you wish upon a star'? :yuk:

I think you're right though, the stuff Ace did in the 80's was way better than the trash Kiss put out. The first Frehley's comet album was killer and now I got the chorus to Rock Soldiers in my head.
"Rock soldiers come, Rock soldiers go, And some hear the drum, And some never know, Rock soldiers! How do we know? ACE IS BACK AND HE TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!" :worship:
Brentney Spears said:

LMMFAO :tickled: :tickled:

Scott and Charlie are no $immon$ and $tanley...too few releases is right!

...can you picture Ian in a leather cod-piece :erk: ...
Armored Thrax said:
Psycho Circus was a pile of dogshit. ...
The song "Trouble Walkin" by Ace is better than 95% of all songs put out by Kiss.

Ace was still the man last time I saw him live. His solo stuff was decent, I got what I expected. Revenge was a good record, the end of an era, I fear. :cry:
Armored Thrax said:
Psycho Circus was a pile of dogshit. The only member who has any talent of the four was Ace Frehley. His last 2-3 solo release were far superior to ANYTHING Kiss has put out in twenty years. It always kills me that they bag Ace when it is also a fact that the ONLY solo release of the four that they put out way back when, that was good was Ace's. And it was freakin great. Anthrax covered "Rip it Out" from that release and Dimebag covered "Fractured Mirror". Not to mention it had "Back in the New York Grove", "Speeding Back to My Baby" and "Snowblind" on it.

The song "Trouble Walkin" by Ace is better than 95% of all songs put out by Kiss.

and you know what? Ace Frehley actually played on ONE song on Psycho Circus, Pete Criss I think on four. What a fuckin reunion album.
pearl jam do pretty good job with releasing their live bootlegs, but I guess that´s because they can afford it.
The two live albums with Ripper are the only albums with him I like, not that I dont like his voice, I thought the music on Jugulator and Demolition just wasn't that good.
johnnieCzech said:
and you know what? Ace Frehley actually played on ONE song on Psycho Circus, Pete Criss I think on four. What a fuckin reunion album.

Well, Kiss was always famous for its members not playing on the records.