Kitty's Official Attention Whore Thread

Kitty Star

Relentless Groupie
Jul 19, 2004
Bay Area, California
I am starting an attention whore thread to get much needed sympathy and empathy from the lovely people of this board.

I just got screamed at and told essentially that I am a loser by my mom because I am having second thoughts about going to school this quarter. Not that I am throwing school out the window, just taking a quarter off. I have had A LOT going on this last year and most of it isn't good. I just feel like I am still in recovery from all of this and attempting to cope with it and frankly not doing a very good job. This is NOT the state I want to be in when entering a university with a freakish major that will have intensive language components that I KNOW I wouldn't be able to handle right now. I would seriously rather jump off of a bridge than think about going to school this fall. All I am thinking about doing is postponing it until Winter. Is that such a huge fucking deal???

Please tell me if I am insane.
Most people I knew in college that took a quarter off never came back, maybe she's worried about that.
It isn't a big deal, but from experiences with people I know, like 90% of the people I know who decided to take a semester off, never went back.

So that's what your mom might be concerned about, whore.
I'm totally more into brevity than you.

EDIT: Ironic that my username just doubled in length right after this post, wow.
almost everyone i know who took a semester off never went back.

more importantly, almost everyone i know who took a semester off really, definitely intended to go back and pooh-poohed the notion they wouldn't, and said "no i really will!"

and then didn't go back.
go to school now. think of it as a distraction and something you'll LIKE, not as something that will make things worse. if you're studying what you like, it'll be fun anyway. don't put it off. no amount of problems is worth it really, if that's what you eventually want to do anyway. for all you know, the shit could really hit the fan next year. right?

(disclaimer: i started college when i was a h.s. sophmore so i may not know wtf i am talking about b/c i am a fucking geek)
What kind of weak and lazy people do you guys hang around with? I took two YEARS off University and returned. Most everyone I know took a break, and those who did all went back. Sayin'

But yeah, that's probably what your mom was on about kitty. My (also Mexican) mother reacted the same way with me, which prompted me to steal some money from her, elope to Montreal and become a drug-fiend.... aaaaah, the memories!

Minx - yes.
Bad advice all around. You'll fuck shit up if you force yourself into studying now. I tried it right after high school and would've committed mass homicide had automatic weapons been available to me.
I went back when I truly felt ready, and excelled beyond my wildest expectations. I would've probably failed had I persevered earlier on.
I agree with minxnim. One of the biggest tragedies I saw in college was people disliking school and just wanting it to be over so they could "get on with their lives." Only so many people stopped to smell the roses and take obscure classes that meant nothing but were a kick in the pants to learn about anyhow.

I loved it and wish I was back at times, but my laziness toward the idea of grad school knows no bounds.
I love school. I adore learning new things. I have been in college since my Junior year in high school. I left high school early and entered a program where I could still get my diploma for going to college full time. That is why I am freaking out about feeling so bad about it. It is not like me, it isn't normal. Usually I am getting excited about school this time of year, but right now it is just the worst possible thought EVER.