knock knock....

Hey there Janet and Ben. ;) Nice to hear from you guys, as always.

I wish I had some definite news for you but at this time I just dont. Its been a LONG time since we released The Next Stage demo, I know...and Russ and Chris both just had babies...well not them personally but you know . Plus life has thrown us all some curve balls recently...and we have had some difficult years.
Hopefully, we can get something together for the RZ fans that still remember who we are! lol We just dont want to put out anything that isnt up to par so we will take as long as it takes...

On a somewhat related note, I have been working on some other projects, and this will sound like an excuse but its actually true. I lost about 2 years worth of material in a computer crash. So after getting pissed, depressed and then pissed again for not backing up my stuff...I am finally starting to re-compile as much as I can from old MP3's and a hodgepodge of recovered files. So with a little time and hard work I will have something ready for release. I already have some great musicians interested/involved so I am more than excited ro this stuff out.

But please keep prodding may embarrass us enough to get going ;)

Reading Zero
pics, or it didn't happen! babies!?! dang! congrats to both dads! hope you get your project out too! let us know. thanks for answering and go rz!
I like all this prodding ;) And I really hope to get some stuff out this coming year. Maybe we can train all our kids to play for us ;)

we have been talking about the best way to get stuff done so its really only a matter of (more) time.

Anyway, thanks for thinking of us Jax ;)