

Jun 10, 2015
Hey again.

I was once more listening randomly to some CoB songs and I ended up listening to Knuckleduster. Which brings me to my question:
Why hasn't this song made it on Are you dead yet? I mean.. they probably disliked it; yes; but did anyone in the band ever said anything about why this song "wasn't worth it" ?

Thanks for the answers in advance.
well it did end up in Trashed& Lost EP/DVD, so I don't think that they didn't like it! it's probably what Arcane says tho.
They said it was an experimental song. Not sure if it's the most untypical COB track, but what I'm more concerned about is if it's good. It's certainly a better song than many others.
But is experimental = technically worse? I think not.

The most untypical COB track is assuredly WIWI or Northpole Throwdown. I think Knuckleduster fits very well. Maybe not for AYDY, but for BD or HOB.
It's just the sound that makes it feel strange, the tone on that song is weird.
i personally love the guitar tone in knuckleduster. it has more gain, and seems tighter overall.
I made AYDY CD to listen to in my car and I added Knuckleduster at the end. And it makes the album sooo much better, the ratio of good/bad songs gets at least acceptable haha. You get TL&S, WNGF and then Knuckleduster. Awesome combo:)
I seriously think this is one of their best songs and it is a shame no album has it.
Is AYDY a bad album? The most core-ish, still catchy as ever.
I agree with one of their best, post Alexander, songs. It is so fucking heavy and just puts me in the right mood for metal.

It's actually one of the songs I play to warm up whenever I start to play. Not too hard, and very fun to play.
Is AYDY a bad album? The most core-ish, still catchy as ever.

I listened AYDY through one day at work and I was amazed how shit it sounded to me. I've always thought that AYDY is one of their better albums but there are like two good songs on it. HoB and Relentless are so much better.
I haven't listened to it for about 5 years, maybe there's a bit of nostalgia too. What songs you consider good btw?
I haven't listened to it for about 5 years, maybe there's a bit of nostalgia too. What songs you consider good btw?

AYDY is alright, In Your Face is probably the best song on the album and We're Not Gonna Fall is pretty good too. Other songs are okay at best. Knuckleduster still beats the living fuck out of the whole album.
I wonder how Alexi feels about all the credit of his first 4 records given to their former rhythm guitarist.

This is not at all what I was implying with my comment above.

It's just that they have 2 completely different sounds, Pre-Roope(the first 4 albums) and Post-Alexander(the last 4 albums). I just don't have 1 favorite song from CoB. I have a favorite from the first 4 and a favorite from the last 4, so that is how I worded it.
Actually I'm sure people would count HCDR among the new, had Alexander left before making it. I mean, that album clearly started their change. Vocally it's not that different to Follow the Reaper, but music-wise one would be lobotomized to compare it to what came earlier. It's barely recognizable as the same band, only a few songs share the same vibes. Maybe technically not so different, but it seems completely different, ridden by fast riffing instead of melodies, it's like a different element took control of the same beast.
but it seems completely different, ridden by fast riffing instead of melodies, it's like a different element took control of the same beast.

Eh. Not so much, even the title track has a pretty popular melody, as does You're Better off Dead, Needled 24/7, Lil' Bloodred Riding Hood, and Angels Don't Kill. Yeah, the riffs started to become a little more complex than power chord driven runs, but the melody is still there. I still consider that album pretty good. If anything, I'd say it was pretty much the last of Alexi's really crazy leads. He's made some decent ones on albums after, but none that were on the level of HCDR and prior. Angels Don't Kill, HCDR, and Bodom Beach Terror had some incredible leads.