
Well, at first I was just saying that the songs had a lot of melody, it's just the rhythm's were a bit more complex, and then I said (or meant to say) that the solos on HCDR were some of the last really shreddy solos that Alexi had wrote. Nothing off of AYDY, Relentless derpless, or Halo of Blood really grabbed me like the solos on the first 4 albums.
HCDR was when Bodom smashed the door open to the western world. The songwriting is bloody convincing, flowing, technical, aggressive and fast, and the momentum carries through so many songs. I believe Alexi is most proud of that album. I just like the "mysticism" more and personally think Follow the Reaper is even better, because HCDR lacks that sexy epicness and the energy is different. I even like Hatebreeder more for the said reasons. They have different themes. When Follow the Reaper is about the dark salvation, HCDR is about aggression etc.

Take the minute from 2:30 to 3:30 from this song and you could sell this album to a broke ass beggar.


But to be fair the sound is my least favourite. I love when the drums, guitars and keys power in harmony and there's a colour in the sound. RRF sound is maybe better, but the songwriting is most of time so horrible it sounds like it's recorded inside a cardboard box. With the new album I hope they manage to sound like they're playing in an open world with flames raining down from the sky.
But to be fair the sound is my least favourite. I love when the drums, guitars and keys power in harmony and there's a colour in the sound. RRF sound is maybe better, but the songwriting is most of time so horrible it sounds like it's recorded inside a cardboard box.
There you prove again that you have no clue about mixing, mastering and composing. You are definitely no musicians, just a wannabe "I know everything about good music" fag with no skills in nothing applied to music.
I bet in real life (outside the internet) you don't know the difference between a bass guitar and a harpsichord. You should better stay with Bob Ross and his atmospheric tree and lake pictures.
There you prove again that you have no clue about mixing, mastering and composing. You are definitely no musicians, just a wannabe "I know everything about good music" fag with no skills in nothing applied to music.
I bet in real life (outside the internet) you don't know the difference between a bass guitar and a harpsichord. You should better stay with Bob Ross and his atmospheric tree and lake pictures.

Come on, that's something ANYONE knows. Okay, not everyone knows what a harpsichord is, but everyone can recognize one from the other. You happen to know what a flutingarp is? It's a sound in Cubase that I like quite a lot, but I have no clue on what the thing is, and Google pictures brings up some kind of an assault rifle when searching for it so I never got it through Google either... :lol:
Well explain the secrets between the mixing and mastering of HCDR vs RRF? I'm just a deep guy who senses the atmosphere in music, I only have a touch of musical experience. I've played the rhythms of 11 Bodom tracks and some leads on guitar and I played keys on a black metal band once live and that's it. When it goes "under the surface of the experience" I'm no pro nor do I claim to be. But I claim to have good ideas on the art from a bird's eye perspective and "ethereal" perspective. I like exciting themes, and when emotions transfer into soundworld. Therefore theory is only a tool to create the art, to me.
Yeah I think it's not fair to say joonas hasn't got any clue about mixing, after all liking RRF is just personal preference and really depends on where you are coming from.
There's a crucial distinction to make here: (metal) musicians in my opinion usually go through different phases all of which have a dominant character to them. First it's taking heavy influence from other bands and just showing you can play amazing. Then it's more about the big picture, overall soundworld, creating your own identity. Then technicality again. Then something completely different, maturity and harmony between technicality and atmosphere, integrity of the composition.

Now this all from a musician's point of view, which is largely different to that of someone who isn't familiar with all the intricacies that be and construct the end result, which only what this regular listener receives. Neither one is better. Frankly, I think the biggest pitfall for musicians is that they somewhat get caught up on theory and think it's the end all be all of things. This is not to say you can't enjoy and rate music from that perspective, but I think they're are missing out on the rest on behalf
of their dogma. However, this is just my opinion, which isn't particular in any way.
Well it's like if all the 80's rock had been recorded with perfect sound and loudness, it would not have the same atmosphere and feel. Add to that when you take that delicate atmosphere away from it and focus on theory... not many would like it anymore. And it's not like say FTR was lacking in playing skill, it just has this cold, hard and chipmunkish soundworld cos it sounded best for those songs. For each composion there's a certain soundworld that makes it sound good. Naturally you start composing with a certain sound, which already determines a lot what sounds good, but then at the end you put the finishing touch to it, because you want to allow wild ideas to fit into the soundworld before deciding the final sound and mixing. This is my impression anyway.
Those questioning why Arcane attributes close to no musical knowledge to Joonas: they have both been around long, and they more than know each other's strengths and weaknesses (online at least). Music is Arcane's strength, Joonas'... well, not so much :lol: We can't (or want/have the time, at least in my case) sumarize years of him going back and forth and making ridiculos assumptions. You'll have to trust us on this one... or not, this is after all the internet ;)

The most untypical COB track is assuredly WIWI or Northpole Throwdown. I think Knuckleduster fits very well. Maybe not for AYDY, but for BD or HOB.

I never understood that, I always thought it fit right in and it is a really great song imo.

OK guys; thanks for all your answers; I personnally think that it could have indeed figured on AYDY or BD. It's a pity I'll have to buy the EP just for one song haha

Buy the EP with the videos, you won't regret it. You'll have a great song and a pretty cool video.

There you prove again that you have no clue about mixing, mastering and composing. You are definitely no musicians, just a wannabe "I know everything about good music" fag with no skills in nothing applied to music.
I bet in real life (outside the internet) you don't know the difference between a bass guitar and a harpsichord. You should better stay with Bob Ross and his atmospheric tree and lake pictures.

:lol::lol::lol: this alone made checking in today worth it :lol:
Those questioning why Arcane attributes close to no musical knowledge to Joonas: they have both been around long, and they more than know each other's strengths and weaknesses (online at least).

Arcane should write a fucking book about Joonas. I think we have a new bestseller here.