kontakt 3 experts?

Bumping this with a legitimate question.
Yhanthlei- I followed your instructions exactly, but whenever I press the note on the Kontakt keyboard that has the sample (snare in this case on D1), the snare only plays for the length of time you hold it down. For example, if i tap the key, it will play the sample but cut it off immediately so it sounds like its only a short pop, but if I hold down the key it plays the whole sample. So I guess you could say it acts like a regular instrument sample such as a piano where it only holds the note for the length of the midi note, but obviously that doesn't work too well with drum samples. So any idea how to get around this?

Thanks guys.

this can be remedied by simply setting the envelop release to (25.0k ms)

go to the tab called "Mod" below "Amplifier"... then directly to the right of "Envelop (AHDSR)" is a indicator. click on that to display the Mod panel.

Haha thank you!
But, it still keeps doing the same thing :/
I guess I'll just wait till Seth gets his vid up.
I'd send you the .nki file, but I'm making the .nki of a gog sample I bought (came with wav files), so I dunno the rules of how all that works.
But again, thank you so much!