Korn Lead singer about ST Anger!!


But only lately.....
Oct 6, 2003
South Africa
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I fucking loath Korn and Metallica......well read my signiture if you are not sure, but i found this amusing. Sorry if it has been posted before.


'The Shittiest Thing I Have Ever Heard!'

KORN vocalist Jonathan Davis recently gave Swedish journalist Martin Carlsson his opinion on METALLICA's latest album "St. Anger". "I think it's the shittiest thing I ever heard in my life!" he said. "I respect those guys immensely since some of those songs are great. Some of that shit sounds like it's beginners' shit. I understand they're going for a new raw and heavy sound, but that's just shit. I don't get it. I like some of the songs, it's cool and it's not [me] talking shit [about them] at all, but the production is just horrible. I know what they're trying to get across, but Lars [Ulrich]'s snare drum is the most irritating thing I've heard in my whole life."
:lol: Hahaha

As valid as his points are (I agree with every one of them), the very fact that it's HIM saying it makes those comments completely worthless! It's so laughable!

Him who is the frontman of a group that sums up everything that makes nu metal (which is basically what St. Anger is an attempt at) so SHIT!
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im not really bothered, if you ask me it is just a battle

Shit V Shit

sure metallicas older stuff was great, but mr my daddy rapped me, has never had a good record...where as metallica have had several..

i do loath st anger though... but, hmmmm.....
I don't like KoRn. I listen to, like, 50 bands that sound like them or ripped them off, but in this case, the original was/is pretty bad.

Metallica > Korn, however, Korn > St.Anger

I mean, at least Korn has Shoots and Ladders...
Guardian of Darkness said:
Oh Johnathan. *slaps*
couldn't have said it much better than that myself. : D And Jon, damn, if you're gonna say shit where people like us will hear it, stick the fuck up for yourself. Jon can't even go through and say that the whole album sucks with the
I like some of the songs, it's cool and it's not [me] talking shit [about them] at all, but the production is just horrible.
it seems like he's afraid of old James huntin him down over this or somethin. Granted I wouldn't want Hetfield after me... I can still say there wasn't a good song on St. Anger.

Anyway, I'm the kid who wore his homemade Met Tshirt in his highschool photos, and who learned all their songs, and I love their old shit, and even find substantial worth in load and reload, but damn, St. Anger was, just unstructured and clearly thrown together without any input from the band, and instead the album was just what Met might have thought the fans wanted to hear. Bah, my apologies for posting this here, way overdue, but i havent posted it yet so here goes:
So Met obviously heard that fans
a) wanted more of an older stuff feel
b) wanted it heavy, and more underground
instead they just prooduced and over-emphasized the simplistic drums, and gave it a very clearly overpriced 'garage' sound, that really didnt fit with the drums, or the vocals. Though I haven't read them since the waste of $13 hit the shelves, I think the lyrics, and fancy artwork might have been all the good to come out of the album.
What disappointed me the most was the fact that in all that I suffered through (as my techno friends finally found a met album they like, adding insult to injury), there wasn't a single guitar solo. What the fuck Kirk? I know you can write awesome solos, Creeping Death shows that one quite well.

Hehe, back on track, I love how Jon from Korn says
Some of that shit sounds like it's beginners' shit.
talk about the wrong band, and the wrong person, to be saying that. It's not hard to tell that none of Korn's 'musicians' have undergone any kind of training, and if you ask me, they just got lucky. The bastards.

Well, that's my 2¢

yep yep, can be, but knowbody equals the first 4 of metallica, and I mean not only musically. Metallica did much for the scene...
on the other hand, man!!!!!!! those later albums suck like nothing ever has sucked before (with the exception of girls... :D )
A message for the band

Hetfield: Go out and get pissed, you wrote much better songs after a bottle of Jagermeister and a shot of turps.

Kirk: Play a fucking solo, I know you can. Just cos you sleep with men, doesn't you have to write gay songs.

Lars: DIE. you look like Eminem, get Newstead back as a replacement for Lars, he's probably a better drummer.

Rob: Get back to playing hardcore

Sorry, rant over.

But to be fair, at least Metallica had some of the best metal songs/albums ever, many years ago mind you.

Where as Korn just inspired a whole movement (Mallcore) and created no end of posers, they have no redeeming features, except knowing they are on their way out and one day they will all be dead.
Rottuated said:
As if Jon doesn't play beginners shit...

When Korn covered One they completely fucked it up. Jon really has no room to talk about what sucks.

Although that doesn't mean that he was wrong! St. Anger is a steaming pile of maggot infested camel shit.

btw, the above post = genious! :lol:

"Lars: DIE." hahaha! *reps*