KOZMOS this Friday 4/18!


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
:hotjump:This Friday at Kozmos we have quite a night for everyone! Prizes all during our set, and a loooooong set it will be!!!! Rumor has it there will be some new tunage happening throughout the set too!!!!! Yep, not just one either! :hotjump:Our only show in CA the entire month of April!

K-enough pimping. Hope to see you all there!
drumslut said:
I am there, too! Anyone who likes sushi should stop by Tsunami, right near Kozmos, prior to the show.

Linda, are you using your new DW drums at this gig?
No, not yet! :yell: I still gotta get me some new cases first!!!! I can't wait!!! I got em all set up in the middle of my living room right now!!!!!!!:loco: Soon! You going to Kozmos? I'll see ya at the sushi bar!

BTW, Wanda's new bass looks AMAZING!!!!!! We got a peek at it at rehearsal last night. :hotjump:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
No, not yet! :yell: I still gotta get me some new cases first!!!! I can't wait!!! I got em all set up in the middle of my living room right now!!!!!!!:loco: Soon! You going to Kozmos? I'll see ya at the sushi bar!

BTW, Wanda's new bass looks AMAZING!!!!!! We got a peek at it at rehearsal last night. :hotjump:

Otay, mang! See u at sushi be-foe dah show!
I am on the fence here, its a long drive from San Diego.. hmmm. I want to see them again badly tho, i had such a good time last time. I guess I could cut the cost by not getting a motel and driving right home after the show. I'm not able to rally any support from the locals here, noone wants to go to Huntington Beach or cant go for one reason or the other. But then again staying home and drinking beer and playing multiplayer deathmatch, or going up to the bar is fun as well. BUT then again it isnt every day you get to see the Maidens, and I hear there is going to be material I havent heard yet... decisions,decisions ='.'=

Any idea what time the girls are going to actually take the stage?