krank+real cymbals+trigger drumms=rate plese

hey guys, if mix or some tons are so bad - please tell :)
I`m realy interested in youre opinion

p.s. say something! :)
Hey man, not bad, the guitars have a good amount of cut, though I feel they're a bit thin and have too much gain (messy). The kick is pretty good too, good body, though I could maybe do with a bit more attack. However, the snare sounds HORRID to me (probably the ringing of it, but it just sounds trashy in general) - it cuts through well, so eq isn't the issue, but it just sounds like a shitty sounding snare to begin with, so there's not much you can do about it I guess. A pity...otherwise, good job!

Oh yeah, and IMO all the cymbals are too loud, especially the hi-hat.
Wait, I just read the title - if you triggered drums, do you mean to tell me that's a snare sample that you CHOSE!??!?!?! Why oh why would you do such a thing? :hypno:
Wait, I just read the title - if you triggered drums, do you mean to tell me that's a snare sample that you CHOSE!??!?!?! Why oh why would you do such a thing? :hypno:
Big Thx Metaltastic for you post :)
Oh it`s approximately mix i dont like it snare too :) its long story why... but I don`t think my english good enough to explain :)

about that guitar have "too much gain (messy)" maby...I say just maby its dist from distorted bass...couse I think it have too much highs...i can show the same mix whithout bass... here it is:

UNTITLED - Track 7 No Bass

I meant can I have the tracks for it - I would like to mix it :)~006
no, sorry 006 I don`t have such permission from this band (
but you can still give me your opinion about mix or tone of instruments, please :)
Ohhhh I thought this was your band. Didn't realize this is a band you had recorded. It's ok demo quality I suppose, the drums have a very loose sound, not in playing or anything but the tone and mix of them sounds very un-polished. The guitars could be a little less gainy. And yes, the OH's and hats are a little too loud. They don't have to be very loud in the mix, turn them down until they are barely heard over the other stuff in the mix, then slowly turn them up until you can hear all of them, they should be lower than you think :)
