Thanks Hack! ANyone have any experience with the jr pro?
I have the 20 watts version of the Rev Jr pro. Anything specific you wanna know?
To my ears it really sounds a lot like the Rev +. I mean A LOT... they're that much alike that I couldn't be bothered to buy the full-size Rev +.
It's got the jaw dropping kleen channel (crystal clear cleens and "edge of breakup"-sounds, also passable crunchy tones when the fx-boost is enabled) and the krank channel delivers the modernly voiced br00talz with the typical krank grind.
The sweep-knob is the key feature to its versatility: You can go from more loose, bass-heavy, lowmid pronounced tones to tight, cutting, highmid pronounced tones.
... and everything already on (considerably) low volumes.
With most amps with about 100 watts you usually have to crank the volume about half-way up to get to that point where the amp is "opening up". You get that effect with the Rev Jr much earlier and from a certain point on (around 3 o'clock) the amp doesn't really get any louder just get's more poweramp compression going.
And yes, It IS loud! I played everything from small, non-miced clubshows to bigger indoor festivals with it... and my back says "Thank you!" everytime.