Krank Revolution>Mesa Trad Recto 4X12 tone


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
Recorded these samples today. There are 2 mp3's Quad-tracked with the mic on the edge of the dustcap (half on/off) and 2 mp3's Double-tracked with mic slightly closer to centre of dustcap and increased mids and bass. One Quad-track and one Double-track is EQ'ed roughly using the settings Colin Richardson posted a little while ago and some quick volume levelling. The other 2 samples have no post anything except for some quick volume levelling, they are just the raw tracks as recorded.

Details are:

BC Rich Plat Pro Warlock EMG 81 in Bridge >Krank Rev 1>Mesa Traditional Recto 4X12 Cab>SM57>M-Audio Firewire Solo>Guitar Tracks Pro 3

E-Flat tuning

Krank Settings:
Pres: 6
Sweep: 3
Bass: 3 (quad-tracked samples) 6 (double tracked samples)
Mid: 3 (quad-tracked samples) 6 (double tracked samples)
Treb: 6 (quad-tracked samples) 5 (double tracked samples)
Master: 2
Gain: 6.5


Comments appreciated (maybe:heh: )

EDIT: ZIP file here
Well done guitar hack!
The "Double-tracked more mids closer to centre of dustcap.mp3" is the best.
It sounds really good.
I think the best thing to get a great tone is from the start, right mic placement is the shit, instead of playing with the eq too much!
Ok keep on rocking!!!
I listened. I liked. The one with the CR EQ settings sound super killer to me. I love it! All this with the master on 2 also, nice.

"the mic on the edge of the dustcap (half on/off) and 2 mp3's Double-tracked with mic slightly closer to centre of dustcap"

Could someone please explain this to me? As long as I've been a part of this forum, I should be able to understand this. Anytime someone mentions "dustcap", I get confused because of the way it is used in a sentence or I'm just clueless. I figured it was the dustcap on the mic but that doesn't seem to make sense. Is the protruding cone in the center of the speaker a dustcap? The grill doesn't seem to make sense either.
I'm tired.
It seems like "keepmyfile" site is down at the moment. I will try to get them up somewhere else, and as a ZIP.


Thanks dude. I am happy with the tone since I am still so noob with this recording stuff and it can only get better I hope. I change between "Double-tracked more mids closer to centre of dustcap.mp3" and "Double-tracked more mids closer to centre of dustcap CR EQ.mp3" as my faves. I am pretty happy that "Double-tracked more mids closer to centre of dustcap.mp3" sounds like it does as the guitar tracks are purely RAW guitar as recorded with no EQ or anything apart from raising the level a bit to match the drums.


Thanks man. Yeah, the Master is on 2, but with the Gain on 6.5, the overall volume is fairly loud. Nebulous pointed you in the right direction about the dustcap. Quad tracked stuff mic was against the cloth half-on/off dustcap for the 4 tracks and Double-tracked mic was all on dustcap (just, right against the edge) for the 2 tracks. I tried drawing a picture, but it came out crap.:lol:


The quad-tracking could have been tighter:heh: , kinda muddies up a bit. I will try to dig it out with some more EQ. If I had used the mic position I used for the double-tracked stuff, I think 4 tracks of that would've sounded better.
Drums are here (the Bobsmum link):

I know they are only short basic samples and many others on the board have recorded much longer and more intricate songs but I am happy with the tone at such an early stage. It gives me more confidence that when I come to recording full songs, the tone will be there (hopefully:ill: ). Now to work on the playing skills.:goggly:

Thanks for the replies, much appreciated.

EDIT: ZIP file here

EQ'd the Quad-tracks a little better:

+4dB @ 400
+6dB @ 1500
+6dB @ 5000
+6dB @ 9050

on one sample


+6dB @ 1500
+6dB @ 5000
+6dB @ 9050

on the other sample

I think the quad tracks sound a lot more up front than they did before.
Here's a little sample using a different guitar tuned to C G C F A D (eg K/switch Eng.). Drop C???:goggly: I don't know what it's called. :heh:

Cheers to Kaomao for the backing track.:rock:

I didn't have time to learn the song, so it's just similar to the heavy chug riff at the start. I used the same speaker pos'n and amp settings as previous samples but this guitar had masses more low end and had to be EQ'd quite a bit (and I thought it was going to get easier:ill: ) Anyway, it's basic, but I kinda like the tone (today anyway even though it is a bit tin-canny/phazey due to my sloppy quad-tracking, tomorrow's fresh ears might show otherwise).

Same gear and settings, but an old Platinum BC Rich Warlock with EMG 81 in Bridge position (think Max Cavalera's White one in the Arise days, but the cheap Korean one:lol: not the nicer US made one).