Krank Revolution short clip (over my first backing track)


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
Here's a SHORT (23 seconds) riff over my FIRST-EVER attempt at making some kind of backing/drum track. I have no clue about the different Pannings for Drum Clips (as you will probably hear:goggly: :heh: ) so it is no-doubt wrong.

This is an intro riff to a song a mate wrote and we used to play about 15 years ago (that's why it sounds old-school. Damn I feel old:blush: ) when we were in our final year of High School. We used to tune to D back then (that used to be the heaviest most bands were tuned to :lol: ) but this sample is in E-flat. It is not a technical riff by any means, it was meant to be a straight-up heavy riff. The rest of the song progressed nicely into a pretty heavy one. We have been talking about recording all our old songs so hopefully over the next few months or so I will have something more interesting for you to listen to (I have to get better ar recording first). Anyway, enough rambling.

I have no good drum sequencing software, etc... so I just imported some samples into Guitar Tracks Pro 3 and had a rough go at placing them within individual tracks:heh: . Also, there is no Bass Guitar in the sample, I don't have one.

Anyway, the Kick and Snare are Andy's samples and the rest Kaomao hooked me up with. Cheers Dude!:rock: :notworthy

Details are:

BC Rich Plat Pro Warlock EMG 81 in Bridge >Krank Rev 1>Mesa Traditional Recto 4X12 Cab>SM57>M-Audio Firewire Solo>Guitar Tracks Pro 3

E-Flat tuning, Quad-tracked 100% L/R, 75%L/R

Krank Settings:
Pres: 7
Sweep: 2
Bass: 6
Mid: 3
Treb: 7
Master: 2.5
Gain: 8

Please take a listen and feel free to post feedback as I need all the help I can get as far as panning, etc.......well I need advice on everything.:goggly:
Please leave feedback on both guitar and drum tones, even if you hate them. :lol:

Thanks for reading/listening.
Thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated.:)

I would say that the Volume on 2.5 is fairly high level for home use. I now have the Cab in a walk-in Closet and with the doors shut (with me in an adjoining room) I can hear the amp but also monitor with my speakers. The biggest thing is the Bass shakes the hell out of the walls. When I jam with drums, I set Volume at around 4-6 (bearing in mind that the drummer is extremely loud and finds it a challenge to overpower any amp we throw at him :rolleyes: )

Anyway, this is the highest Gain setting I have recorded with. It is hard to hear the pick attack due to the chords just ringing out, but with mutes, stop start type riffs, etc..., it is still quite tight even at this high gain level quad-tracked. I am overall happy with the tone of the amp, but it does seem to be missing some BITE/BARK I hear with other amps. I don't really know why.

Anyway, thanks for listening guys.:kickass: :rock:

Any more feedback?