Krank Sample...Yeah another one...sorry


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
Well I'm still battling to get a nice guitar tone that I am happy with :loco: . Here are 2 more clips, yeah the usual sloppy test-clip playing is there:oops: . I am trying to get a sound (amp setting and EQ'ing) that I am happy with before I spend a heap of time tracking tight just to find that I should have had the amp set differently (no reamp gear), so there's the excuse for the playing.:lol: Anyway, this is part of a song a mate wrote about 17 years ago when we were at school. It has been recorded quite badly all those years ago and we are looking at re-recording all of our old stuff. We used to play all our stuff in E back then (this is in e-flat) but I am trying to get an aggressive tone even though it's not in a low tuning (which seems easier to achieve). I seem to get too much bass and a sound like a blanket over the speaker cab. I like the sound in the room, but recorded it is duller. I am suspecting my entry-level Interface (M-Audio Firewire Solo). I am looking at getting a Firepod due to what I have read of you guys that use it here as far as nice pre's and converters. I am wondering what difference it will really make.

Anyway, here it is, and any feedback appreciated.:) :kickass:
Ooo yeah I would go get a firepod. The preamps are pretty good. How did you mic this? If just one 57 try putting it a little off center direct at the cone (but not at the dust cap).

The tone isn't bad for E flat tuning. I say do another 2 tracks back off the gain a bit on those (the aditional 2) and track again. Bass would also be nice. I think you got great tone for this type of song. Rip it up! Let us hear the end result!
I dunno if its just me, but I think theres something wrong with the file. It says the zip file is corrupted or invalid.
You PM'ed me, but I hadn't listened to these...

Honestly, I really dig the tone you're getting out of it! Not bad at all. I'd reduce the mids a tiny bit (maybe dial in a darker sweep instead), back the gain off a notch or so, and quadtrack, as well as add some bass, but that's not bad by any means.

Thanks for the replies. The Firepod would be nice but at the moment I really don't have the money (since spending AUD$6000 on my amp/cab, etc...) in the last 4 months :heh: so I am trying to utilise the M-Audio as best I can. Mic was one 57 straight-on dead centre of the dustcap (this is my latest trial position after trying edge of dustcap, etc...) against the speaker cloth. That is already quad-tracked as well. 1 X 100% L, 1 X 100% R, 1 X 80% L and 1 X 80% Right. I can fatten it up some more by not cutting so much bass when EQ'ing (I am over-compensating for my crappy computer speakers that I monitor with since they don't translate bass too well). I will try to borrow a mates Bass Guitar this week and put some bass to it and will repost if anyone's interested. Thanks again for the reply.:kickass:


I dont't know dude. Maybe try it again.


Thanks for the reply. Sweep was on 2-3 from memory (recorded this a couple of weeks ago and just re-EQ'd today). Mids were on about 2-3. The Raw tracks don't have so much midrange, but after I have been EQ'ing out some bass and boosting around 1500, they are a bit more prominent. Gain is on 7 so probably could go lower to get more definition. I used my GT-8's Tube Screamer sim to see what it did while waiting for my Maxon OD808 to arrive (hopefully tomorrow). Will try and borrow a Bass this week and add a bass track to it and see what it sounds like. Thanks again for the reply.:kickass:

Yeah I might try 2 tracks dead-centre and 2 at the edge of the dustcap, thanks for the idea. Australian prices are pretty insane for things sometimes. I see it advertised on US sites for $499 (around $630 Australian). In stores here, it is listed at $1099 Australian mostly and the best I have seen it for is $899. The importer (I am guessing) is making some serious money on it.

Yeah I might try 2 tracks dead-centre and 2 at the edge of the dustcap, thanks for the idea. Australian prices are pretty insane for things sometimes. I see it advertised on US sites for $499 (around $630 Australian). In stores here, it is listed at $1099 Australian mostly and the best I have seen it for is $899. The importer (I am guessing) is making some serious money on it.

Holy crap. Definitly need to try to get it used then! :zombie:

Might buy it off ebay new. I have looked up Customs duties/taxes and under AUD1000 is exempt. $633 is better than $899, hmmm...warranty. Might be a good gamble.

Mood Bender:

Yeah it's bright. Most of my recordings have been 'undertheblanket' sounding so I really brought this one out in the high-end. I got the Maxon OD808 today. Recorded a few samples with it, and all so far are a bit dull using the EQ I used on these posted samples. Just when I thought I was getting somewhere, I am starting again:erk: . It definitely tames the Low-end a great deal and sounds better in the room for sure no doubt. I turned my Gain down to 6 and used the 808 with a variety of settings but the one which sounded cool was Overdrive 11-12 Tone 2-3 Balance 1 (o'clock settings, not 1 to 10, otherwise the Overdrive would be on 11, Spinal Tap). To me the Revo is quite a refined sounding amp, particulary with the V30's in the Mesa (GT12-75's sound more aggressive). The 808 breathes a bit of fire into the Revo's tone in the room at least, I am yet to get it recorded and EQ'd well enough to post a sample. My recorded waveforms don't have the nasty bass I was getting without it so that's a big plus. So far I think it's definitely worthwhile for 'live' use, just trying to get some nice samples recorded. Even my wife said it sounded better with the 808 on.:lol: So if you haven't got one and you are looking for a bit more fire/aggression out of your Revo it might help you out. It turns the crunch into more of a roar. YMMV.
I just realized though, wont there be a power problem? How do you guys deal with getting shit from america? I am pretty sure your power aint 120v outlets. In the case of like Marshall I know there is a switch but most other amps, nay.

I was in England for a couple weeks and def remember the huge as fuck outlets that were 220v I think? Just get an adapter? Just wondering.
Yeah, I was assuming it had an external transformer/power supply (either wallwart or in-line) so was going to source a suitable 240-??? one for it. Does it have an external power supply? You don't plug your 110V straight into it do you?
OK here's an updated recording I did after work today with the Maxon OD808. As mentioned earlier it made things sound a bit duller so I had to EQ a bit more up top to get a similar tone to yesterdays one. It sounds tighter than yesterdays I think

Details are:
SM57 Dead centre of dustcap (so you can compare to yesterdays sample) Amp gain today is on 6 instead of 7 (otherwise same amp settings)
Maxon was Overdrive 12 Tone 2-3 Balance 1 (o'clock)

My ears are dead now after recording/eq'ing this for the last 4 hours, so it may be crap :puke: , it may be better :headbang: , it may even be a waste of time and effort.:lol: :erk:

Feedback appreciated.
Mood Bender:

Thanks, that's a compliment coming from a fellow Krank owner (well not just a Krank owner you've got a crapload of amps as I saw in the "lets see some pics of everyones set up" thread.)


Sorry dude, I didn't get a chance to do that today, went and borrowed a Bass from a mate and didn't get back with enough 'empty house' time. I will try and do it tomorrow night, work depending.


Thanks Keith. My ears were tired after all that playing yesterday so I wasn't sure how it sounded. Today, they are not too much better since my mate who I borrowed the Bass off is a drummer and he had to show me how his 180 BPM double-kick playing was progressing. Sure he could just have shown me his kick drum speed, but he felt it necessary to beat the crap out of his 5 toms, 2 sets of hats, 2 snares and 7 other cymbals, including one hell of a loud China cymbal. So today's mix with the bass might be a bit sketchy.:oops:
My ears are still ringing. When we jam I have to have the Master Volume on around 7 to be heard.:zombie:


Thanks for confirming that.:kickass:

Anyway, I did 2 quick bass tracks today. I have never recorded bass before so I have no clue how to EQ it (low-cut ???) as you will hear, but here are the two different samples. There's a lot of bass volume fluctuation, but at least it gives me an idea of how the guitar EQ'ing sits in the mix with drums and bass and that was the main aim. Bass was recorded through my GNX3000 with a little bit of tubescreamer sim.
Great start :headbang: I digs it.
The guitar seems a little distant. Where is the mic positioned? Try putting it closer maybe. Also, move the mic off center of the dome and see what that sounds like. There is a little bit of rasp I'm hearing.

What cab are you using? Krank?