Krank Sample...Yeah another one...sorry


Thanks for the reply. Since it's the only one I have got since posting my clip with Bass guitar, I am assuming my bass playing/recording/mixing is not that flash.:lol: Cab is Mesa Traditional Rectifier straight. Mic is against cloth dead-centre of dustcap. Might be a little distant because I have been eq'ing the crap out of the bottom end. I am getting heaps of bass in my recordings (cab is on the floor, maybe should put the castors back on it) so have been cutting heaps of bass out.

Last night I recorded four more sets of quad-tracks (Gain on 5 as suggested by KillDivision) with different mic positions, edge of dustcap slightly off-axis, edge of dustcap on axis, between centre of dustcap and edge on axis and another guitar C-tuned in the last position. I am getting heaps of mids from the 808 now and am having such a hard time getting anything to sound halfway listenable. Tearing my hair out now. :confused: :loco: :mad:

I am looking at an old post from Andy where he has the mic pointed slightly off axis at the edge of the dustcap and that's where I got the idea. Otherwise I am out of ideas, again.

Anyway, sorry for ranting.:lol:
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, there aren't too many mids in there, low sweep setting and low mids setting on amp.

Oh yeah, you're not odd, you're just............... special :loco: .


Also, thanks for the replies in my recent threads Jeff, much appreciated, they have been very helpful, so cheers.. :kickass: :rock: :notworthy

Thanks for the compliment, but I am just a Hack with SO much more to learn. They might be a good starting point though, hopefully I am going in the right direction. :loco::goggly:
your clips make me want to buy a revolution.

I'll at least have to go play one again at a local store that sells them.

I tried one before and really liked it, but I ended up getting a 6505+

I may have to sell the 6505+ now....

look what you've done!!!! :p

oh btw what settings do you recommend for getting the best tone out of the beast when I go play it?
your clips make me want to buy a revolution... I'll at least have to go play one at a local store that sells them.
FWIW, be prepared to spend some time with it before coming to a decision. it's not a quick date, but if you like GuitarHack's clip and AE Doomsday Machine, you'll probably like the Revolution.
Like your soundclips! I like the sharpness from GuitarHack Chem + GuitarHack Chem 2, and the tone from the sample with the OD808. I think the OD808 samples lack a bit of freshness/sharpness (This is what you get when a Dutch guy is trying to express himself in English hehe). If combine those two I think your prettty close to an awesome guitarsound.
FWIW, be prepared to spend some time with it before coming to a decision. it's not a quick date, but if you like GuitarHack's clip and AE Doomsday Machine, you'll probably like the Revolution.

Yea I played a couple of them a couple years ago.
I really liked one of them, but oddly I couldn't get the other revolution to sound nearly as good as the other one in the store even with the same settings. It was harsher and fizzier sounding than the other revolution stack. It sounded like the first one I played was biased hotter than the other or something.

That worries me because I would be looking at the used market and I'm wondering why two of the exact same amp/cab/guitar combos didn't sound the same.

As far as 2 different Rev's giving 2 different tones, that's not the first time I have heard that. I believe that there have been some refinements made between the first ones and the later ones. I have read on the Krank forum that some even had dual effects loops, which I consider quite a large design change, so something as easily done as a bias change is quite possible. If it helps, this is the second one I have had and to my ears sounds just the same as the first one so the latest ones may be all the same now. As far as a test drive, it's so diverse due to the sweep control that it depends on what sound you are after. Those clips were recorded with:

Pres: 7
Sweep: 2 (very dark, so that's why such a high pres)
Bass: 7
Mid: 2
Treb: 7 (same reason as high pres)
Master: 3
Gain: 6 (latest recordings I have tried it is on 5 and more defined)

Cab was Mesa Trad Rectifier (smaller of the Mesa cab's)

I tried it with the Rev Cabinet as well, but it was a bit scooped and had a harsher high-end. The Mesa just seemed to punch you in the face so to speak, without sounding brittle up top.

Fore more Rev clips, check out Bender's links in his sig.


Agreed on the sharpness. This is more likely due to the Overdrive setting on the 808. I had it set at around 12 o'clock (from memory). For more attack setting it at around 9-10 o'clock with a higher level is the way to go, much sharper with the nicer tone. Still getting used to the 808, only had it a week or so.

Thanks for the replies guys.:kickass:
Here's another quick sample. This time with my C-tuned guitar. I don't know how to get rid of that shitty sound at the end of the palm mutes, but anyway. Just thought I would post what is sounds like with a lower tuned guitar.

EDIT: Here is another version of the clip with no EQ or anything else (apart from raising the level). I have also included just the quad-tracked guitar track by itself. Since these are the RAW guitar tracks as recorded the low-end may be a little too pronounced.

I thought it might be interesting/helpful for anyone that wants to hear the RAW (unprocessed, as recorded) Revolution tone to get a better idea of what the amp sounds like by itself, apart from the Maxon808 in front of it that is.

Here it is:
Dude, I wanna listen to your last clips, but keepmyfile seems to killl internet explorer every time for me, could you upload them somewhere else?

Edit: Actually, it's only the processed ones, the raw ones work fine, and that noise at the end of the palm mutes could be solved with a noise gate. Quite a nice tone. Care to share both the Rev and the Maxon settings for the last clips.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah I think I like the raw tone better than my EQ'd one.:lol:

Anyway, settings were:

Krank - (0 - 10)
Pres: 6
Sweep: 3
Bass: 4
Mid: 4
Treb: 6
Master: 2.5
Gain: 5

Maxon - (o'clock)
Overdrive: 10
Tone: 12
Balance: 12

Thanks for the reply. Yeah, i can't believe how many Victorians there are here. Got the cab from Billy Hyde's. I didn't/don't know whether to believe it or not, but I have been told from 2 shops that there isn't much room to move on the Mesa gear (which probably means that I overpayed:lol: ) but I payed $2100 from memory, which is a lot of money for a cab but from what I had read and heard here it seemed like one of THE cabs to own.. If I had my choice again, it might have been 1 X 1960A and one 1960BV (for around the same price for the 2) to get the variety of GT-1275's and V30's for recording.