Kreator cd questions


Apr 5, 2004
I only own coma of souls and live kreation. After hearing them on live I expected them to sound much better on coma. So i'm wondering are the remasters better than the coma sound? How's extreme aggression's sound compare to coma? Finally, is their best of, "scenarios of violence", worth getting? ty in advance.
As far as re-masters go, I'm not sure of the difference in sound

However, I can say, NEVER get 'best of's' There is no point. Albums from good bands are killer - so for Kreator, you need Pleasure to Kill first ...
Their first five albums are essential. That's all you really need. But if you're a tightwad for musicianship, you might not like Endless Pain(which is godly, regardless).
(following on from misfits post) ...then Terrible Certainty, then Endless Pain, then Extreme Agression and finally Violent Revolution. Do not be put off by production that isn't mega-super-crystal-clear, or you will miss out on lots of great music.
Get their other albums on a definitely try before you buy basis.
And if you like "Violent Revolution" then also get their new album "Enemy of God".
The first 5(Endless Pain, Pleasure To Kill, Terrible Certainty, Extreme Agression, Coma Of Souls, which you already have.), Violent Revolution and the new one, Enemy Of God, when it comes out early next year. And if you want it remastered, just turn up the volume, dude.