Krysus on my space


Nothing can go wrogn!!!
Mar 2, 2004
the Netherlands
I play in a band named Krysus, we recorded our debut cd 2 weeks ago and I posted 4 songs on my space. The music varies from a fast No Doubt (I hate when they say that, but more than one person said that, so it's probably true) to fast hardcore punk (HELL YEAH).
I know we're not the greatest musicians or original, but hey, we like the music we're playing. One song is in a Dutch dialact (Hosternokke) and one is in English/Dutch/German (Ons bin de punx), so most of you probably won't get the lyrics, maybe just one besides myself, but the other 2 are in English (Escape and Broken dreams)
Have a listen
Krysus on my space
Zeker, onze bassist noemt zichzelf niet voor niks Meh

For all non dutch speaking people around: he said our music reminded him of the boegies, and I told him our bass player calls himself Meh after one of their songs.