Odin's Court on My Space

Wow, I feel wierd now, most of my friends dont touch myspace.com and now I have like 16 friends online, but most are bands. That makes me feel like such a loner.
trapper_87 said:
Wow, I feel wierd now, most of my friends dont touch myspace.com and now I have like 16 friends online, but most are bands. That makes me feel like such a loner.
It's all good. None of my friends are on MySpace either, and many aren't online. So we can be loners together. :D
I'm from just outside Liverpool, England. I wish I could play bass that well, but unfortunately not. I just like mess about trying to copy any bass lines I like such as Soundgarden. I like the way you sound IronMaidenish.:rock:
Norsemaiden said:
I'm from just outside Liverpool, England. I wish I could play bass that well, but unfortunately not. I just like mess about trying to copy any bass lines I like such as Soundgarden. I like the way you sound IronMaidenish.:rock:
Wow! Thanks for the kind words! It is great to see that we are reaching people across the Atlantic as well! And I'd love nothing more than to tour Europe someday with NO DOUBT making a stop in the very country that has given birth to so many great and influential bands! And a name is even reserved for the very era that is in the heart and soul of Odin's Court - The New Wave of British Metal!

Anyhow, I'm glad you have stopped by. Please feel free to stop by often! Oh yeah, keep practicing -- anything is possible if you work enough at it!

Take care and have a great holiday!
:) Thanks ! I hope you come to Liverpool sometime. I want to see you play!
How much are you into Odinism? Are you all Odinist? For me it just helps with having an awareness of ancestry.
Merry Yule!
J-Dubya 777 said:
A tour with No Doubt? Isn't Gwen Stefani a solo act now?
Shine up those belly shirts boys! heheheheheheheheh


Good Lord! I can't get anything past this boy! :Spin:

That is what I get for forgetting to use commas there. Damn it!

And you knew EXACTLY what I meant John...
Norsemaiden said:
:) Thanks ! I hope you come to Liverpool sometime. I want to see you play!
How much are you into Odinism? Are you all Odinist? For me it just helps with having an awareness of ancestry.
Merry Yule!

You're qute welcome! So do I/we! That would be awesome. I think it will happen someday, just have to pay our dues a bit more. I guess for now you'll have to settle for the DVD we are going to be shooting in March. Not quite a complete substitue for a live show, but better than nothing.

Actually, I'm not at all. Matt created and named the band, perhaps he could provide more insight into that question. That's cool. Then I assume you are of Norwegian decent?

Thanks, you too. :wave:
Rick Pierpont said:
Good Lord! I can't get anything past this boy! :Spin:

That is what I get for forgetting to use commas there. Damn it!

And you knew EXACTLY what I meant John...

I'm always ready to add a new spin to something....
Commas are your friends!

Better hold off on that tour, I just read somewhere that Stefani is preggers.
Might have to push things back 9 months or so.

J-Dubya 777 said:
I'm always ready to add a new spin to something....
Commas are your friends!

Better hold off on that tour, I just read somewhere that Stefani is preggers.
Might have to push things back 9 months or so.


Yes, you are! Hahaha, yes, they are! ;)

OK, I'll keep that in mind.

Just got in a few minutes ago from seeing TSO in Baltimore! It was awesome! They played for 2.5 hours and sounded great!

Traffic completely and utterly SUCKED going there though. We left my Mom's house (in Baltimore) @ 6:30 expecting only to take 20 minutes to drive the 6 miles to get downtown. Even 30 would've been acceptable for a reasonable amount of traffic. We got to the exit for downtown in no time (as expected), but traffic was horrible for the last 1-2 miles of our trip. It took 40 minutes to go that far. That was worse than driving into Manhatten! I think a lot of that traffic was for the concert too. It looked like the delay may have been caused by people trying to get into the parking garages.