Kudos to Rob and Chris!!!!!!


Sep 30, 2005
I will be the first to say it. I know I have been hard on these two all year. As the hour soon hits for this weekend to start up...I am very excited to see the Pagan Fest tour, Iced Earth, Suidakra, and Testament. Hang out with fellow board members, and buy a bucket load of CD's. I am sure we will all have great stories and stuff. Hopefully we will all post them here.

I know how much work goes into a show like this. I am sure it is going to do well with two giant headliners. It should be a great time. For all the bitching I have done, I am sure I will have equal amounts of fun too. hats off to Chris and Rob for another fun fest. (hoping next year for a slightly better line up).
If it wasnt for these two I would never have seen Nocturnal Rites, Suidakra, and many others. As much as I love giving them a hard time, I am thankful that they are dedicated to putting this on each year.

In a few hours I will be leaving for the show. See you all there. and get ready for another year of bitching and hyping a band I want to see next year.........maybe Aquaria!!!!!

agian...big thanks to Rob and Chris...without this fest. I would have nothing else to complain about and waste free time posting. Hopefully this year makes you guys some decent cash. So thanks for your hard work and stuff.

this isnt a joke or sarcasm either.
I think EVERYONE fully appreciates the amount of work that goes into putting this festival together.

Sure, some of us, myself included, are more vocal about things than others.

I think things have calmed down here quite a bit as we have all gotten to know each other on a personal level as well. It's nice to go to other shows and have a whole new group of people to hang out with, thanks to this forum and this fest.

Still not 100% certain if I can make it tomorrow.
For those going, have a great time!

Sounds like TURISAS is going to be quite a party!
I have read that Turisas is amazing live and gets the crowd really going....hhhmmmm who called that one a year ago?

I admit, I had not heard of this band before you began raving about them last year. That being said, TURISAS gets the award though for "Rest of the album not living up to the amazing lead off track"
Hats off to them. Diabolik should dance a jig in their honor during Turisas' set tonight like these people did...

I've never seen anything like this before at a metal concert.
