
I hope you receive it soon... Here I was very surpsise to also find the album at a major record store, besides the one I bought it from which is specialised in metal music... Maybe Ulver are becoming famous :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't know but I don't think so... I know there are different release dates for the U.S.A. and Europe but I can't think why they'd have yet another for UK... Maybe, the stores don't bring the album because they're afraid that they won't sell the copies. Here, if they bring 5-10 copies of the album, they're sure they're going to sell them because the die-hard fans will certainly buy it... I don't think we're more than 20-30 here in Greece after all (and maybe even this number may be a wild exaggeration) :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
I don't know but I don't think so... I know there are different release dates for the U.S.A. and Europe but I can't think why they'd have yet another for UK... Maybe, the stores don't bring the album because they're afraid that they won't sell the copies. Here, if they bring 5-10 copies of the album, they're sure they're going to sell them because the die-hard fans will certainly buy it... I don't think we're more than 20-30 here in Greece after all (and maybe even this number may be a wild exaggeration) :lol: :lol: :lol:

No, they can order it in for me they just think it isn't released until the 25th :( Which is annoying :mad:

:lol: We don't have that many more fans here.. I think they have a very small fan-base, I mean the silence ep's took quite a while to sell out (you can still get them here) and they were limited to 2000/3000 :o
Since you've not said anything, I imagine that you haven't got the soundtrack yet. So in order to "irritate" you a bit more I must inform you that your true friend just got today the limited edition of Perdition City. Maybe you should think about moving to Greece dear Russel, it'll be much easier to get the music you want :p :p :p :lol: :lol: :lol:
There are a couple but in the store they told me that they're going to send them by mail-order in other parts of Greece, in a few days, so by the time the money arrives there will be no copies left.... Have you tried contacting Jester Records and asking them about it?
Ok folks, i've got it now, but only as a burned copy :mad:
Usually i'm buying such albums when they're out but as i really couldn't find it i said to myself "hey, why don't you just download it now" :p

The main theme is great, i could listen to it over and over again, typically for Ulver, i thought maybe there'd be some drum samples here and there like on Perdition city but anyway, great soundtrack ;)