label contract status??


Disenchanted One
Feb 16, 2006
So I was wondering, with the release of the Live Consternation DVD/ live CD...does this complete Katatonia's record deal with Peaceville? I thought I remember hearing that the Kats were under contract for 1 more release/album after TGCD. I would think this would count but I'm not sure.

I also thought I heard that maybe some bad blood had begun to swirl between the two parties...which would make this quickly-released dvd (and NOT the one the boys are saying is the REAL one anyway :)) and live cd a kinda "let's just get out of this f'ing agreement as fast as we can" farewell. :lol:

Any insight is gladly welcome.
Hmmmm... If they would want to release the 'real' DVD on a different label it's might get problematic eh. The new label would need to pay lots of royalties to Peaceville cos Katatonia released quite a lot of albums on PV.
Anathema and Opeth had problems with DVDs as well, both involving Peaceville (well that's especially the case for Anathema)
live consternation does not count as the final option in the deal, we still have one more studio album to put out on peaceville and that's the one we're working on right now. as far as "distractions" we have some summer festivals and then a north american tour and its back home to wrap it up. the label insists for an early 2008 release, so we'll see if we can make it...
as for the future dvd, obviously it will be released by peaceville as well since they now own all our previous releases. this makes it ez and possible to include any song selections what so ever without limitations. the only reason why this dvd hasnt been released yet is cuz we're extremely concerned it becomes heavy duty. no compromise.
Blakkheim: The big dvd that's coming out (not live consternation), will it have some video footage of you guys in studio, and interviews with all of you guys at all?
Hey man, thanks for clearing that up Blakkie!

Yeah I hadn't thought of any ownership rights when I was originally posting...too concerned with trying to sound witty. :erk:

And about not compromising on the other forthcoming dvd...take as long as you want and do it your way!!! :headbang:
I feel so warm all of a sudden. Live album in my hand in a few days...tour in the fall...and the guys are working on the new album right now! Best news ever :)
live consternation does not count as the final option in the deal, we still have one more studio album to put out on peaceville and that's the one we're working on right now. as far as "distractions" we have some summer festivals and then a north american tour and its back home to wrap it up. the label insists for an early 2008 release, so we'll see if we can make it...
as for the future dvd, obviously it will be released by peaceville as well since they now own all our previous releases. this makes it ez and possible to include any song selections what so ever without limitations. the only reason why this dvd hasnt been released yet is cuz we're extremely concerned it becomes heavy duty. no compromise.

You are one of the few bands that delivers with everything you do, both in quality and quantity. It for this reason I have purchased just about everything you have done (excluding some of the hard to get stuff).. not saying I download loads of other bands stuff, but I certainly would never dream of not paying you guys!
Sounds good for the fans in first place, but "instist" I fear seems not far away from "force". I hope the band has enough say in these things for releasing the new album when they feel it is ready, not when the label says. Better waiting a few months longer than releasing something they wouldn't feel comfortable with.