Labels worth looking at> Nate the great

JayKeeley said:
Does anyone remember what Joseph's UM pseudonym is? I can PM him on behalf of Paul, perhaps even point him to this thread.

its me :)

and i want to hear the material for sure, i also mentioned scald in the wolves thread.

I'll reply to your email tonight or tomorrow unhinged but color me curious. You can also check out a interview i did at to get an idea of my viewpoints.
Hi Joseph
thanks for responding :grin:
(proof again that royal carnage rises head and shoulders above most boards on UM)
Read the intie. Good read it is too, it's encouraging to know that there are at least a few people with a viewpoint like yours on the other side of the fence to the artist.

I'll send you a bunch of the old stuff along with the newer stuff too, we've been going quite a while, no compromise since 93 haha

your band wishlist is interesting too
we just turned down the support slot for cult of luna the other week, bummer, but had to give priority to getting the new noise shipshape.

and as a fan of Patton + Plotkin I'm sure we have quite a bit of taste in common too.
I'm excited about hearing it. My "dreamlist" changes every year. Right now its Asunder and Ludicra mainly. Although I'm quite jealous of Andreas signing Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. I might email nils to see if he would like to do a solo release with me one day haha!

I have to say if i didnt sign WITTR they would be on that list right now.