Labels worth looking at> Nate the great

JayKeeley said:
Paul -- I'll second/third VENDLUS. Great label, avante garde, and they really like to make the extra effort to get the packaging just right. Joseph runs Vendlus and knows us over here at RC, feel free to mention me if it helps. He's also helped me in the past with details on how to set up a label, get distribution up and running etc. Something I'm still very keen on but in all realistic terms may just wait until the young 'un is a little older.

All round, Vendlus just ooze with professionalism and integrity. (Same with Chris Bruni and the guys over at Profound Lore, but I think their MO is to re-release existing albums on vinyl first and foremost, but this might be changing).


Thanks Jay
sounds like the kind of people I'm looking for.
I've been taking a closer look at them, the general asthetic and attitude seems really good.
to quote the site>
"Art, That's what Vendlus Records is about. Multi-Genre, Never the same sound or vision twice, a undefined goal. Commercial Suicide. Vendlus was created around winter 2002 with no real intention other than to put out various forms of art we enjoy and we plan on keeping it that way."
pretty much the same frame of mind as my own.

Lupus said:
While i dont represent vendlus in any way as far as buisness goes but i do admin its forums and have known joseph for years i think i can speak for vendlus a little. I think he might entertain the idea of one album if you approached him as someone interested in pushing boundries and had lots of solid ideas. But, the idea of you getting someone to release a trilogy is not going to happen as far as i can tell unless something amazing happens like your first cd sells 5000 units or something. This goes for any label and not just vendlus, to be realistic people are not going to hand over that kind of deal unless you're absolutely the hottest shit around.

Dont quote me on that 5000 unit thing it was just an example, i really have not the slightest clue as to how many units someone would have to sell to finance a second and third album and turn a profit. Its probably alot closer to 2000/3000 but i have not the slightest idea as i am just a monkey for joe and dont deal with those sorts of things.

Buisness bad music good ughugh.

Hi Lupus
thanks for the info.
As far as selling 5000 of anything we do, I'd say thats not impossible but highly ambitious to say the least haha
with our deal on code666 the ititial pressing of 999 is special packaging and they have the option on the licence to further pressings in jewel case format
i doubt that it will get that far as does Emi, he's not expecting the first pressing to sell out. Vermiculatus is a very experimental record though, theres a huge diference in the profit margin between 1000 + 2000 sales on a small label, depending on how much is spent on promotion of course.
in Scalds case as we are ethically very DIY, we're happy to go with licencing rather than recording contracts.
so the risk to a label is minimal.

as for the trilogy
wether it all gets released by the same label is not essential
it is desirable of course, but it is 2 or 3 separate albums
the 3 tracks of the trilogy have common threads but they will all sound diferent, I really don't want to give more than that away.
but they'll probably need to come out with at least a year apart.

if either you or Jay of you could make an introduction to joseph and pass on some info that might make him more interested than cold calling i'd be grateful
I can send the headworm album and possibly vermiculatus on cdr which would give more of an idea of our level of envelope pushing haha
unhinged said:
if either you or Jay of you could make an introduction to joseph and pass on some info that might make him more interested than cold calling i'd be grateful
I can send the headworm album and possibly vermiculatus on cdr which would give more of an idea of our level of envelope pushing haha

Im pretty sure he saw this thread yesterday when erez linked it to me. The easiest way to get ahold of him is to simply write to he checks that more than he's on aim or any of those other messengers.

I realize this isnt really very helpful but since im not familiar with your band i cant really say much.
@ Ellestin: Scald > Lunar Aurora. That's all you need to know. :grin:

@ unhinged: Where's the best place to buy your stuff? I want to stick to a US distro, though....
circus_brimstone said:
Good, cuz I have no idea. :lol: I've only heard, like, one song from each.

:tickled: I reckon it would be impossible to judge us on one song

Lunar Aurora, I couldn't comment, but by the look of them we'd beat them in a fight anyway:wave:

Lupus said:
Im pretty sure he saw this thread yesterday when erez linked it to me. The easiest way to get ahold of him is to simply write to he checks that more than he's on aim or any of those other messengers.

I realize this isnt really very helpful but since im not familiar with your band i cant really say much.

its helpful enough mate
I'll drop him a line to break the ice

Nate The Great said:
Scald is starting to remind me of Miles Davis. That guy was so cool in the way he experimented to no end. He had several songs of 45 minutes or more.

never thought we'd be in the same sentence as Miles Davis:tickled:
but I am a fan, not that I'm knowelgeable in jazz in any way but I like that john coltrane / mile davis / dizzy gillespie screaming brass noise
its something I'd like to use if the right player wanted to be involved
...of course you'd get that 'john zorn rip off' thing going but I wouldn't care
cheers jay

actually writing up a list of scald projects at the minute, its taking ages but it'll come in useful for further mails to other labels.
really hard not to give away too much info but I don't think I'd realised just how much stuff Scald is involved in right now, no wonder I'm going mental trying to keep all this crap in my brain.

also forgot to answer Mr Brimstone

you can buy headworm from regimental records + relapse mailorder in the states. both have been stocked recently no-where else from what i can remember.

anywhere else can buy from us at you can also download the full 8 songs from born with teeth there for free if you prefer things a bit thrashier.
+ theres a few other tracks

band info at

sorry, didn't mean to turn this into an advert
unhinged said:
so I just wrote to Joseph at Vendlus, and also Andee @ Tumult

Paul, let me help you out here with some info on Andee:

Andee is a great guy, he manages tUMULUt records and he also happens to run AQUARIUS RECORDS ( He's a little obsessive when it comes to music -- note how he writes in-depth reviews for each album he sells at that store. His music tastes are exceptionally varied too.

Something else -- tUMULt released "The Bastard" by Hammers of Misfortune. And you already know where I stand on that one. :grin:
Huh, I can't reach that link through my firewall for some reason, but yeah I've read that before -- interesting story. If I remember right, it's now available on a 3" CD in a mini-digipak. :tickled:
Lee_B said:
Someone already mentioned Cruz Del Sur. They're definitely a decent label (they offered To-Mera a deal, anyway, hehe).

Cruz del Sur are good, but they lean towards the more 'traditional' side of things: Hammers, Pharoah, Ensoph, Slough Feg, Widow, etc. I'm not sure if they'd be a good fit for Scald (IRE) tbh.
JayKeeley said:
Cruz del Sur are good, but they lean towards the more 'traditional' side of things: Hammers, Pharoah, Ensoph, Slough Feg, Widow, etc. I'm not sure if they'd be a good fit for Scald (IRE) tbh.

i agree, I forgot to comment on them earlier but I did check them out. I think I may have a couple of years back too. but they do seem to be more trad. mostly labels like this, even if theyre doing high quality stuff with some element of originality will run a mile from Scald. We are the anti-profit. A lot of labels also have mission statements using words like 'avante-garde', 'groundbreaking' 'envelope pushing' etc etc when in actual fact they just release the same shite everyone else does, they may have one or posibly two acts on thier roster that they can claim this about but the rest is just whats the current trend.

I'm not saying thats we're 100% original or anything like that. but we're too 'out there' (in the wrong way) for most metal labels and too metal for the deliberate freaks. I've had label people who're really into Scald that just won't take the risk, certainly not without touring every toilet up + down the UK.
fuck that

I think thats were labels like tumult are a much more hopeful prospect. there doesn't seem to be any barriers beyond Andee's taste.
i read up on the interviews on his site and his attitude was very refreshing.

i'd be much more inclined to work on a much lower level with people who actually give a fuck.
the shop looks class too.
if you know him Jay you could put a word in, :grin: but even if he doesn't respond I'll send him something eventually anyway.