Ladies: for a change...Face, chest, or stomach?

aim for the belly button, it fills up on the first shot. that'll piss her off cuz she'll haev to scoop it out aftwards :lol:
lol, chicks like getting blasted in the face? im not gonna comment on my girlfriends likes and dislikes because if she ever reads it, she will kill me :-D
sknight said:
Well, once in a while it needs to go somewhere else. So face, chest, or stomach? Or on that little lower back tattoo I affectionately call a "target".

Yes, I posed the unaskable question.

well... my answer would be - the face just seems wrong, and what if you ever need to look (ugh) 'smart', i.e. interview situation. The stomach strikes me that if you ever gain a beer belly or the like or just generally get old it's going to stretch like a really stretchy-thing. So out of the remaining two I would suggest the small of the back.. just my preference I suppose. But it does depend upon what the tattoo is actually like, it may just work better on the chest area.

:OMG: no cum references.. wow :Smug:
certain little boys on here do seem to have an obsession with 'spurting'.. most likely they are imagining that one day they might even been able to do it over a real, live woman and not their computer screen
Nightshade said:
Yeah -- you ever get that shit in your eyes? It burns. Not in the face. As for the rest of me, by the time you get there, if I'm not too happy and/or tired to care what you do, you're not allowed to go there, yet.
Good answer. I never gave it in the eyes for that reason.

Well, why would some women want it on their faces or other parts of their bodies?