Lads, read this!! It's worth the time...

I surveyed Jasmine’s rig. She had the latest Marshall head, the Model 5. It’s a 400-watt tube/transistor hybrid with 5 preamp channels and built-in digital effects. It’s a cheaply made piece of crap, but they’re selling it for the same price as a tube head. Old Marshalls consistently deliver the “crunch” like no other amp. That’s why the top metal bands use them. But the company went to hell after Jim Marshall retired and became a semi-fictional corporate mascot, like Colonel Sanders or Jesus."

ROFL....can you say mode 4 meets vetta? :D
"“Did I mention that the Soviets used the NibNob as a torture device?”
“Now we’re using it for pop music.”
“Welcome to the 21st century.”"

I spent my whole day reading to this, hilarious. Anyone have a clue on who wrote this?

I'd like to see something similar written by an authentical big-ass american-teenage-sony-music producer.

The NIBNOB is the greatest thing I've ever heard in music production. Ordering one on Ebay. Andy, can you share some settings?
[His face darkened. “Here they come. And they brought their manager. That’s Velma Stone, the renowned lesbian attorney. She’s the one who rammed that bitch-slap of a contract down my throat.”]
hah i love that
This is one of my favorite:

"I never told you how I got a name like “Ezron.” I’m named after the original Savior, Ezron Christ. He had a large following in 1st-century Palestine, until he got involved in a sex scandal. The founders of Christianity® needed a new Messiah with a clean-cut image, so they approached a young rabbi named Jesus and offered him a lucrative endorsement deal. He turned it down, so they had him nailed to a cross. The memory of the original Christ is kept alive by the Ezronites, who celebrate his birthday by getting drunk and sleeping with hookers. At least, that’s what my gran’daddy told me.":lol: :lol: :lol:
hmm it's going slightly downhill with jasmine's tokyo report...

"Europe is the same way, I?ve heard. A show might have a wildly divergent mix of styles: pop, metal, jazz, all on the same bill. The metal fans don?t stand there and boo the pop act, or vice versa. It?s all music to them. The obsession with ?branding? seems to be a strictly American phenomenon. Musicians aren?t cows."
bullshit. that's not true, at least in my corner of europe. on the other hand, we're fairly retarded, so who knows - maybe western europe is more like the description :confused:
Does anyone know who the hell are Bitch Slap btw (the daily adventures of mixerman)?
prowlergrig said:
hmm it's going slightly downhill with jasmine's tokyo report...

"Europe is the same way, I?ve heard. A show might have a wildly divergent mix of styles: pop, metal, jazz, all on the same bill. The metal fans don?t stand there and boo the pop act, or vice versa. It?s all music to them. The obsession with ?branding? seems to be a strictly American phenomenon. Musicians aren?t cows."
bullshit. that's not true, at least in my corner of europe. on the other hand, we're fairly retarded, so who knows - maybe western europe is more like the description :confused:

i dunno what's funnier, the story or you taking it seriously :tickled: