Lads, read this!! It's worth the time...

Look what I've found :

"I've written a novel called "Record Producer from Dimension X." It's a satire of the music business. There are so many things to make fun of that it practically wrote itself. Cool

I got a lot of insight into the industry from reading Mr. Albini's posts on the ProSoundWeb forums and his various articles and rants, so I had to post it here.

I've made a website for it. I'm going to post 3 chapters a week, so I can get comments & criticism and see if it generates any buzz. I don't know if it's publishable, so for now it's just for fun.


Oh and Marilyn Manson = Brian Warner... Gillian Hitler... That's a clue :)
I'm the guy who wrote "Record Producer from Dimension X." It's been completely re-written and released in print as LOKI'S CHILD: a tale of music, revolution, and revenge.

exposes the lies and scams of the music industry, and then it does the same for the political system. The overriding theme is cultural psychosis, an entire culture going insane and destroying itself. It's simultaneously very dark and very funny.

The instigators are an all-female thrash metal band posing as a talentless pop band. Their practical joke on the music industry gets completely out of control and they end up starting a civil war.

Thanks for all the positive comments on the previous incarnation! It kind of fell apart halfway through, but the new version is about 400% more entertaining.

Here's the website with 2 free samples which are quite entertaining on their own:

-- Fenris Wulf
Just read like 5 lines of the "loki's child" and i want the book already :) :

"It’s late October, and unseasonably warm. This morning, I met with
Sir Robert Bastarde, the President of Kasugi Records.
Bastarde isn’t a British subject, but a doddering royal did clunk him
on the head with a sword for organizing a benefit concert to feed
starving children in Africa. To hungry lions. Those poor lions never get
enough to eat

This is hilarious i need to read this, now.

Checked out the "createspace" link to purchase the book, but without any user login i can't see if i can get shipping to Europe (I'm in France btw)... Is this possible (shipping to France) ?
@blenderman :


just finished reading the book : a lot of stuff was funny as hell and spot-on (the music industry, how the Left can be super fascist, etc...), but towards the end a lot of things about politics and religion and whatnots were full of shit and plain ignorant and full of bad faith (when you were talking about Islam/muslims for instance).

So for the most part it's a very good book, stained by shitty parts where you try too hard to be subversive and end up sounding ignorant and full of shit. I was kind of embarrassed reading the end of the book in the metro and hoping someone was not reading it too and thinking those were my views...
Sorry bro :)

Just my 2 cents