Lamb Of God - Resolution

Seems cool for a quick listen. It's very in line with their band aesthetic. I can definitely get into it.

I just wonder whether they will ever make the Mark IV sound good. It's like they're intentionally after paper-tone.
^^^ they use The V live now, but the interviews about the studio for the last few albums has not been the mark IV as the main mic apparently. I don't get how they manage such bad tone though lol
Seems cool for a quick listen. It's very in line with their band aesthetic. I can definitely get into it.

I just wonder whether they will ever make the Mark IV sound good. It's like they're intentionally after paper-tone.

Paper tone? When has their tone ever sounded like that? Sacrament/Wrath/etc. have all sounded great with the Mark IV's they used. Not a huge fan of Ashes, or anything before that but I love Sacrament and Wrath. Their tone on those albums is really good. Especially for just being passive pickups.
Paper tone? When has their tone ever sounded like that? Sacrament/Wrath/etc. have all sounded great with the Mark IV's they used. Not a huge fan of Ashes, or anything before that but I love Sacrament and Wrath. Their tone on those albums is really good. Especially for just being passive pickups.

Sacrament has pretty decent tone, considering what band it is... Wrath sounds like cardboard.
I've personally always dug Mark and Willie's tone for the purposes of the band. It's a matter of taste. Low-output pickups on Les Paul type guitars and then run em through a Mark IV/V. Simple as that. There's nothing flubby/muddy about their tone to consider it bad because they use a "tasteful" amount of gain. Tight as a dolphin's butt. Water tight. And every note rings out in their chords. Argue all you want. I think it works for the band and their riffs slay.
I own the album since yesterday (Germany Release, 20th). I really like it. Typically Lamb Of God with some very good exceptions. ("Straight For The Sun", "Insurrection", "King Me")
Redneck 2.0

sounds like lamb of god to me
really dig the acoustic intro

"paper sound" is what descibes them geetaz perfectly.
it belongs to them tho, same as that aweful snare
My lord that tone is awful, so honky and narrow sounding, no lows/highs - and Randy's vocals have just never sounded like they have any power behind 'em to me, like they're done at low/medium volumes and just compressed to hell. Sorry, I've just really never been able to get into this band, mainly cuz of Blythe, but also cuz all of their riffs that I've heard, while challenging/cool sounding, are usually pretty unmemorable to me. HOWEVER, that is some intense goddamn solo'ing, so big props for that!

Also, how old is Santa there on the right in that pic, jesus christ :lol:
I'm shocked how much love there is for Sacrament and Wrath on here. I could never get into either at all. I hung it up for them after Ashes of the Wake. Lucky for me I got to see them 6 or 7 times (including the Killadelphia filming) before Sacrament came out. Never liked any of the songs on that or Wrath.
I'm shocked how much love there is for Sacrament and Wrath on here. I could never get into either at all. I hung it up for them after Ashes of the Wake. Lucky for me I got to see them 6 or 7 times (including the Killadelphia filming) before Sacrament came out. Never liked any of the songs on that or Wrath.


While Wrath did slowly grow on me after a bunch of listens, Burn the Priest, NAG, As the Palaces Burn, and Ashes of the Wake were their prime, I feel.

I also caught one of the Killadelphia nights....think it was Sunday. Sat in the balcony for it though....