I downloaded their 2 albums, listened to them a couple didn't do anything for me so I deleted it. They are not shit but nothing to special according to me. 

Yeah LOG are debuting a new video for "As the Palaces Burn" I believeEdgecrusher said:For those of you who ARE fans: be sure to check out Headbagers Ball this weekend (saturday 10pm eastern) to see special guests Lamb of God and Iced Earth.
Dude, learn something aboyut genres before you talk shit about them. Although LoG have some hardcore influences they are not a hardcore band. It'd be like calling Borknagar a pure black metal band...Somberlain said:'Hardcore' is disgusting. Lamb Of God is down with the worst of them.
I have the Burn The Priest cd and it sound very similar to New Amercian Gospel, except the production is actually thinner, and they aren't hardcore on that cd they are more metalcore. Now, after ATPB, I would say they are just pantera is just metal....MURAI said:I hope you all know that they were originally a hardcore band when they were called "Burn The Priest". They are metalcore because they have those hardcore vocals and breakdowns. Their new album "As The Palaces Burn" is pretty good and it generated a lot of hype but their first album "New American Gospel" is infinitely better.
They are very heavy, and blend Death/Black/Thrash metal so well. Self proclaimed "Pure American Metal" they are currently at the top of the American metal scene. Their vocalist is insane.