Lamb Of Gods Randy Blythe Arrested for manslaughter ???

I did, that's why I didn't include his remark. I assumed the photo was from the links, and you assumed I posted it.
wrong ... I didn't assume you posted it ... I actually assumed it was from wherever you had pulled those links / comments from

then you said you just copied everything from somewhere else.

what I'm saying is, why even post the picture WITH the links / comments if it has fuck all to do with the links / comments.

I think I already know where this will go now
At any rate, the accounts of the actual concert goers is what's being overlooked here, so let's just forget about the mix up.

WHAT THE FUCK.. How can they let that happen ?? surely someone or some organisation can say "this is wrong and unjustified, you can't do that now stop annoying the world and let lamb of god continue performing and randy see his friends and loved ones"...

Just as i said : Cash, cash, cash, cash, cash...

So basically a country has every right to just lock up someone and ask for money in return ?
Oh that reminds me i broke my finger and my ankle in a suffocation gig 4 years ago and couldn't perform for months. 10,000€ please ?
This is crazy, whether or not he's guilty the guy should at least be allowed to go out and tour so that he can pay his legal fee's! It's not like he's a crazy psycho killer or represents a risk to anyone. This was clearly a accident.
Blythe can't fight for shit and you're gonna tell me he killed a man with his bare hands?


lol, he was also blind stinking shit-faced in that vid, to the best of my knowledge hes sober now....but yea, killing a person with your bare hands sounds like something a LOT of people would have noticed...and if it happened at a show, there has GOT to be a shit-ton of video eveidence, i mean come on, half the crowd was probably filming with cell phones during the show anyway. WGERES THE EGVIDENCE lol

but yes, if he is PROVEN to be guilty he should serve jail time, as should anybody that kills someone regardless of if they meant to or not, (but if they meant to obviously they just need to serve more time)
lol, he was also blind stinking shit-faced in that vid, to the best of my knowledge hes sober now....but yea, killing a person with your bare hands sounds like something a LOT of people would have noticed...and if it happened at a show, there has GOT to be a shit-ton of video eveidence, i mean come on, half the crowd was probably filming with cell phones during the show anyway. WGERES THE EGVIDENCE lol

but yes, if he is PROVEN to be guilty he should serve jail time, as should anybody that kills someone regardless of if they meant to or not, (but if they meant to obviously they just need to serve more time)

how do you know he was shit-faced? last i heard, he was claiming to be sober over 4 years ago. not to say he hasn't possibly relapsed since then, but what authority are you on his state of inebriation?

also, even if he did exactly what he's being charged with, his actions were far from what i would consider "killing a person with (his) bare hands". a kid jumped on stage...where he didn't belong...repeatedly. kid got pushed/pulled off stage...repeatedly. kid didn't understand that fans don't belong on stage,then hit his head and got hurt. kid probably neglected to seek medical treatment until it was too late, and ended up dying.
colonel kurtz said:
how do you know he was shit-faced? last i heard, he was claiming to be sober over 4 years ago. not to say he hasn't possibly relapsed since then, but what authority are you on his state of inebriation?

also, even if he did exactly what he's being charged with, his actions were far from what i would consider "killing a person with (his) bare hands". a kid jumped on stage...where he didn't belong...repeatedly. kid got pushed/pulled off stage...repeatedly. kid didn't understand that fans don't belong on stage,then hit his head and got hurt. kid probably neglected to seek medical treatment until it was too late, and ended up dying.

He was talking about that video from the Killadelphia DVD (more than 4 years old) where he's drunk. Also, doesn't seem to be informed at all about how it happened (he didn't "kill a man with his bare hands"), Ignore him, he's just a bit late to the discussion :lol:
He's been released.

Shame they had to cancel a full tour though.

You know you're a big deal when entire tours get cancelled because your band can't play.