Lance King Explains Pyramaze Split

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Why would you involve your personal and family life into something that is a business deal? Again, that's almost assuredly a set-up for disappointment, especially when the decision is not in your hands entirely. It seems like an inappropriate time and place to involve such personal feelings.

That's my question.

Oh, well, sounds like each party is moving on. That's good.

Why does this make Lance a stand-up guy? I mean, i know he's beloved by this forum as well as a big part of it, and that's cool, but airing out your dirty laundry in public isn't my idea of a "stand up" guy. It's a bullshit drama bomb. I understand that it sucks, everything surrounding the last show sucked, but that was the most mellowdramatic crap i've read in a long time.

Everyone has disappointments, and to be honest, someone who's into the scene so much (with a label, many bands, etc) should know it's always a bad idea to mix business and pleasure... Why would you sign a band that you are a part of, especially as a hired gun? That is just asking for trouble. Why would you involve your personal and family life into something that is a business deal? Again, that's almost assuredly a set-up for disappointment, especially when the decision is not in your hands entirely. It seems like an inappropriate time and place to involve such personal feelings.

I can appreciate what Lance is saying: he got burned. He feels like people have wronged his family and his efforts, but at the same time i think that, judging by what he said, he brought a lot of it on himself by chosing to involve them. He should understand better than anyone that sometimes you have to make a business decision that ignores all personal relationships, and it sounds like that's what the band was doing.

Edit: i don't want anyone to mistake what i'm saying... i think family is incredibly important, BUT it seems like this was the inappropriate place to involve the family.

Lance is a stand up guy in my opinion because he stood his ground for the priority which is family. I don't know Lance that well, am not a fanboy, heck I haven't listened to anything that he's done in about six months. You make some points but lets face facts here. No matter what you say or think Lance did what he did because it was the best for him. All I did was post what I read somewhere else. If you wish to get into a long diatribe about it, so be it. I cannot speak for Lance King, I am not Lance. I am sure that he will see this thread and say his piece and this will be done.
... And Pyramaze was doing what they saw as best for their band. I don't know this story very well, i can only respond to what i see there, and i have. I stand by what i said given the information presented.

I will agree and commend him for sticking up for his family, but as i said, it seems like an inappropriate place to involve them in the first place. Just because i say that doesn't mean i can't empathize with him, it would be cool to see a father and son do this together, but again, time and place.

For the record, i also think it's complete bullshit that Steve Harris drags his daughter onto just about every bill that Maiden is on these days. Same concept, whole 'nother discussion.
So who's watching the hockey playoffs?

I am and I was at last saturday's hockey game in Montreal. People are going nuts here over the Canadiens. Too bad they're not playing up to their capacity against Boston. I figure if they keep playing like this, the next round will be tough as hell...

Who are you routing for??? :goggly:

I'm with the band on this one, I wouldn't want to deal with a child either. I don't think it's "cute" when a little kid tries to sing or play an instrument, it's just annoying.
Every child needs to learn how to deal with disappointment. It's a reality of life.
Another reality of life is how adults sometimes act like kids, especially when it involves business.

Side note: I seem to recall Lance having a problem with his kid being exposed to the whole Damian fiasco. Looking at both instances, I can understand choosing to raise your child how you see fit. But perhaps better judgment could be used regarding family and business in the future.
I'm with the band on this one, I wouldn't want to deal with a child either. I don't think it's "cute" when a little kid tries to sing or play an instrument, it's just annoying.
We're you there? It totally fit the concept of their "Bone Carver" disc, and didn't in any way seem unprofessional. With them also doing a DVD filming it seemed like a pretty cool visual in which to kick things off. I dunno .. to each his own.

For the record - when this interview came out a month ago, I immediately called up Lance to hear what it was all about. He explained his side of the story, I told him what was wrong with it, and he apologised to me for 99% of what he said in that interview.

End of story, and Lance and I are back to usual business.



"Band breakup" interviews never lead to anything good! It's all catfighting and mudslinging and....



You guys made up....

Nevermind! :D
We're you there? It totally fit the concept of their "Bone Carver" disc, and didn't in any way seem unprofessional. With them also doing a DVD filming it seemed like a pretty cool visual in which to kick things off. I dunno .. to each his own.

If it were a midget playing the Bone Carver, I would agree, but a child is just a problem waiting to happen. And for the record, if their show had opened with a little kid fake playing a violin, I would have pointed and laughed at the band.
If it were a midget playing the Bone Carver, I would agree, but a child is just a problem waiting to happen. And for the record, if their show had opened with a little kid fake playing a violin, I would have pointed and laughed at the band.
Use your head ... there wouldn't be much need to buy the kid a fancy electric violin if it was nothing but a prop. I could be totally off base here, but I'm pretty sure the kid was really playing it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Why does this make Lance a stand-up guy? I mean, i know he's beloved by this forum as well as a big part of it, and that's cool, but airing out your dirty laundry in public isn't my idea of a "stand up" guy. It's a bullshit drama bomb. I understand that it sucks, everything surrounding the last show sucked, but that was the most mellowdramatic crap i've read in a long time.

Everyone has disappointments, and to be honest, someone who's into the scene so much (with a label, many bands, etc) should know it's always a bad idea to mix business and pleasure... Why would you sign a band that you are a part of, especially as a hired gun? That is just asking for trouble. Why would you involve your personal and family life into something that is a business deal? Again, that's almost assuredly a set-up for disappointment, especially when the decision is not in your hands entirely. It seems like an inappropriate time and place to involve such personal feelings.

I can appreciate what Lance is saying: he got burned. He feels like people have wronged his family and his efforts, but at the same time i think that, judging by what he said, he brought a lot of it on himself by chosing to involve them. He should understand better than anyone that sometimes you have to make a business decision that ignores all personal relationships, and it sounds like that's what the band was doing.

Edit: i don't want anyone to mistake what i'm saying... i think family is incredibly important, BUT it seems like this was the inappropriate place to involve the family.

People are too easily "starstruck" here. Sure he's a good singer, but it just seems like a cheap way of getting back to the press by shitting on your former bandmates while they are actually on the verge of experiencing some kind of success with a acquisition of Barlow. I don't think Lance is intentionally jealous or anything so don't get me wrong, but I DO think that there's nothing classy about writing off your former band mates in this fashion in interviews when such matters should probably have been private.
Side note: I seem to recall Lance having a problem with his kid being exposed to the whole Damian fiasco. Looking at both instances, I can understand choosing to raise your child how you see fit. But perhaps better judgment could be used regarding family and business in the future.

I heard about this whole thing a while before I joined the boards and nothing has ever made me laugh harder in my life. You can take your kid to watch a Swedish guy play guitar with an ass dildo and that's fine but NO FEMALE NUDITY AT ALL!!!!! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE.

Who would have thunk that by merely reposting an interview would create such uproar! I apologize for stirring up emotions here. On the same token we have different personalities here so it can't be avoided. My intent was just to post some info and chime my two cents in. I really appreciate the intelligent banter here. Some of the comments I could do with out bit....meh...I digress. Thats what I love about this board. Lots and lots of good opinions!
Dude, nothing wrong with ass-dildos

:lol: I agree, but it just makes laugh and question the heterosexuality of some of these guys when they have a problem with bewbs but not at all with a big viking jacking his guitar off with an ass dildo.

kid: "what's that daddy?"
dad: "oh that's an ass dildo. Notice how Mr. Eklundh is gently massaging it ever so much that he can get that unique whammy effect. Actually, you can only get that sound with an ass dildo. I know because I've done it plenty of times... I should teach you how to do it when we get home."
-fast foward-
::semi-naked/naked stripper doing typical stripper moves with dude from Threshold during Allstar Jam::
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