Lance King Explains Pyramaze Split

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This made me spit out the chips i was eating. Randy Marsh is pretty much the best character on south park.

Agreed. IMO that whole stripper thing is like a ProgPower episode of South Park.

btw isn't this like the 5th time I've made you bust out laughing? I am honored.
This whole deal makes me laugh. What is Lance doing that needs promotion lately? Controversy & shock value sells. Anyway...he's been out of Pyramaze for who cares what he has to say...old news.
You are wrong, I have now corrected you. You're welcome.

Wow... I'm ashamed to even have you from the same state I'm from. You really are an idiot. I was front and center when Tommy played the opening, and he played it, it was not a prop or an act. If you are gonna say something here, say something worth while instead of something that makes you look like an elitest dick. I don't know what it is with you fucking new people to this forum, but you are making a bad name for the new guys who actually come here to post and not stir up trouble. Go crawl back under your rock.

This whole deal makes me laugh. What is Lance doing that needs promotion lately? Controversy & shock value sells. Anyway...he's been out of Pyramaze for who cares what he has to say...old news.

It was an interview, he was asked questions, like most people are in an interview, and he answered them. Its not rocket science.

It was an interview, he was asked questions, like most people are in an interview, and he answered them. Its not rocket science.


Dude, Lance totally took a giant dump on his former band (not to mention Claus, but good to hear they are cool now) and publicly ranted about an issue that should have been kept private.
Well, I have heard both sides of the story and I still side mostly with Lance. Granted, his side of the camp was perhaps wrong on the way a few things were handled, but in the whole, Lance was in the right. Im not going to get into it, as I am friends with Lance and I am the moderator on the Pyramaze board and friends with the band, so that is as far as I go.
Well, I have heard both sides of the story and I still side mostly with Lance. Granted, his side of the camp was perhaps wrong on the way a few things were handled, but in the whole, Lance was in the right. Im not going to get into it, as I am friends with Lance and I am the moderator on the Pyramaze board and friends with the band, so that is as far as I go.

Right or wrong has nothing to do with it. It's a private issue (ESPECIALLY if family is involved).
Wow... I'm ashamed to even have you from the same state I'm from. You really are an idiot. I was front and center when Tommy played the opening, and he played it, it was not a prop or an act. If you are gonna say something here, say something worth while instead of something that makes you look like an elitest dick. I don't know what it is with you fucking new people to this forum, but you are making a bad name for the new guys who actually come here to post and not stir up trouble. Go crawl back under your rock.


Wow, what an ignorant flame. You're the only jackass who didn't take that as a joke. I'm not new on this board, I've been on this forum for many years, contrary to your uninformed accusation. Nothing else in your post even deserves to be addressed.
For the record - when this interview came out a month ago, I immediately called up Lance to hear what it was all about. He explained his side of the story, I told him what was wrong with it, and he apologised to me for 99% of what he said in that interview.

End of story, and Lance and I are back to usual business.


I beg to differ on this one, what I said was...I was just being honest, what would you have me do? I can't change anything I said, it's out there and it's the truth from my perspective. People will interpret this many different ways, I can't alter anyone else's perspective. I said I was sorry he was getting calls about it regarding his company, but it is what it is. Claus and I have many irons in the fire with several bands from his company on my label, but to clarify, I manage my own career and have always done so.

... And Pyramaze was doing what they saw as best for their band. I don't know this story very well, i can only respond to what i see there, and i have. I stand by what i said given the information presented.

I will agree and commend him for sticking up for his family, but as i said, it seems like an inappropriate place to involve them in the first place. Just because i say that doesn't mean i can't empathize with him, it would be cool to see a father and son do this together, but again, time and place.

For the record, i also think it's complete bullshit that Steve Harris drags his daughter onto just about every bill that Maiden is on these days. Same concept, whole 'nother discussion.

To this I will only say, that it wasn't meant to be a big part of the show, it was meant to be there only because Tomy was on the album and people had commented on it in reviews and threads, Tomy has been to Prog Power many times and was known by many folks before I was even in Pyramaze, so it seemed to both Michael and I a great idea..hindsight being what it is perhaps not, but regardless it happened and we have to move on from that.

Every child needs to learn how to deal with disappointment. It's a reality of life.
Another reality of life is how adults sometimes act like kids, especially when it involves business.

Side note: I seem to recall Lance having a problem with his kid being exposed to the whole Damian fiasco. Looking at both instances, I can understand choosing to raise your child how you see fit. But perhaps better judgment could be used regarding family and business in the future.

Again, this was all assumed by others by simply a timing thing, we were on our way out to get something to eat, when the Damian thing happened, and honestly, didn't even realize it was started until we were almost out of the room, at that point we kept rolling yes...This is all a misconception though by others of why we were leaving. Perhaps amplified by Glenn's original post on this topic.

I don't usually get too much time to watch the shows because lately I've been playing double duty as a vendor with the Nightmare tables, but I love Threshold so I wanted to see them. Damien is a great front man, no doubt, he thought this thing would ad to the show, and obviously it did, as it had a lot of people talking...I didn't see what happened really beyond the painted lady being on stage, but heard all about it later, I hold no judgements.

I heard about this whole thing a while before I joined the boards and nothing has ever made me laugh harder in my life. You can take your kid to watch a Swedish guy play guitar with an ass dildo and that's fine but NO FEMALE NUDITY AT ALL!!!!! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE.

Regarding Mattias phalic playing, unfortunately I missed their set, I was looking forward to this fantastic band, again I heard all about it, my family usually isn't around for the later shows, not that they would know what the dildo was used for normally, the kids would just think it's a new way to play guitar ; ) but I have to ask, when did a dildo become an ass dildo and how do you tell the difference?

We're you there? It totally fit the concept of their "Bone Carver" disc, and didn't in any way seem unprofessional. With them also doing a DVD filming it seemed like a pretty cool visual in which to kick things off. I dunno .. to each his own.


yes, that's what I thought.

Hal9000 View Post If it were a midget playing the Bone Carver said:
Use your head ... there wouldn't be much need to buy the kid a fancy electric violin if it was nothing but a prop. I could be totally off base here, but I'm pretty sure the kid was really playing it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Tomy was of course really playing, I would have never thought of him faking it. Tomy is the only 6th grader in the Chamber orchestra of the 7th and 8th graders at his school, he also is playing in the regular orchestra, and practices everyday, he's getting very good and yes I'm proud of his accomplishment on that.

People are too easily "starstruck" here. Sure he's a good singer, but it just seems like a cheap way of getting back to the press by shitting on your former bandmates while they are actually on the verge of experiencing some kind of success with a acquisition of Barlow. I don't think Lance is intentionally jealous or anything so don't get me wrong, but I DO think that there's nothing classy about writing off your former band mates in this fashion in interviews when such matters should probably have been private.

It is what it is..., people want to know, and have been asking me since, so when the smoke cleared well over a year after the fact and I'm still being asked, and I was in a place I could verbalize it appropriately, I did. As someone mentioned, I don't have a new release to promote at the moment, but I always have something to promote be it other bands releases, festivals, or the label in general, although there are some in the works. Matt isn't in the band anymore and judging by the heavy schedule of Iced Earth's touring calendar and Matt's statements before regarding his own family and position as a police officer, I doubt very highly he'll have any time whatsoever for doing anything with Pyramaze, which is very unfortunate for the band! Before he rejoined Iced Earth, they really did have a shot at blowing up. it appears, they will have to start all over again with their 4th release with a new vocalist.
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