Lasse Lammert Rig Pack for Kemper

from the pdf:


Boss GE-7 > Marshall JMP2203 with 6550 power tubes
> Mesa Stiletto 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57 & R121
Old school thrash tone with a lot of bite, works great with passive pickups.

Maxon OD820 > EVH 5150III
> EVH 5150III 4x12 cabinet with EVH speakers > AT250DE & SM57
Very high gain modern thrash tone with juicy mids and some hair on top.

Maxon OD820 > Mesa Rectifier Rackmount with Mercury Magnetics transformers
> Marshall 1960AV 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Very tight and articulate rhythm sound with not too much gain and an “open” harmonic structure.

Mesa Rectifier Rackmount with Mercury Magnetics transformers
> Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Remember those big radio rock rectifier walls? Well, plug in your 7-String and rock out!

Maxon OD808 > Marshall JCM800 2204with Soldano Hot Mod
> Mesa Stiletto 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
This is a raw in-your-face tone with a throat cutting attitude and a lot of bite.

Maxon OD808 > Soldano HotRod 100+ with SLO100 Specs
> Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
“Boutique” take on a modern tone. Works great with downtuned guitars, thick midrange.

Maxon OD808 > Krank Krankenstein+ > Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Slightly scooped tone with a big round low end and very unique voicing, not too much gain, lots of
attack. Doesn't work for every player but might be magical for others (needs a strong picking hand).

Maxon OD820 > Engl Richie Blackmore > Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Modern tone for very technical playing, lots of top end cut. Works great for dark sounding guitars
and low tunings.

Maxon OD820 > EVH 5150III
> Mesa Rectifier V30s 4x12 cabinet > SM57
Downtuned guitars, breakdowns, thick chords... Chug away!

Maxon OD820 > Diezel Hagen Prototype with KT88 Tubes
> Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Juicy mid range with some low end smear, works best for styles that don't require
the fastest palm mute tracking. LOVES EMGs. Another very unique tone

Maxon OD808 > Mesa Rectifier Rev. F
> Mesa Stiletto 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57 + R121
One of my favourites. A very tight rhythm guitar tone with just the right amount of gain.
This one demands a great picking hand with a hard attack and will throw any weakness
right into your face, but it'll also reward great players with an extremely awesome tone
that feels like an extension of your hands. LOVES downtuned guitars with EMGs.

Maxon OD808 > Marshall JVM410 modded by a famous amp guru
> Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Extremely high gain, unique mid range “smear”, works great with passive pickups.
Add some delay for liquid lead tones.

Maxon OD820 > Bogner Überschall Rev2 with 6CA7 Tubes
> Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Deep lows, very aggressive high end. Works great for death metal.

Maxon OD820 > Peavey 5150 with Bias mod
> Marshall 1960AV 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
This is one that Mr. Flynn might like!
A modern Sound with some “grainyness” added by the Marshall cab... Let freedom ring!

Maxon OD808 > Soldano HotRod 100+ with SLO100 Specs
> Mesa Stiletto 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57 + R121
No matter what guitar, pickup or tuning, this will put a smile on your face and inspire you...
I promise!
Absolutely stellar profiles! Each and every one sounds fantastic and is entirely useable.

It's hard to even pick a favorite, but so far i'm enjoying schmatz, liquid leads, hard hitter, and especially ninties finest the most.

By the way, it's not just the overall sound and frequency response that is great - all the profiles are incredibly responsive in terms of playing dynamics (esp hard hitter is superb in that respect) and clarity/note seperation.

A big THANK YOU Lasse for those amazing profiles!
from the pdf:


Boss GE-7 > Marshall JMP2203 with 6550 power tubes
> Mesa Stiletto 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57 & R121
Old school thrash tone with a lot of bite, works great with passive pickups.

Maxon OD820 > EVH 5150III
> EVH 5150III 4x12 cabinet with EVH speakers > AT250DE & SM57
Very high gain modern thrash tone with juicy mids and some hair on top.

Maxon OD820 > Mesa Rectifier Rackmount with Mercury Magnetics transformers
> Marshall 1960AV 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Very tight and articulate rhythm sound with not too much gain and an “open” harmonic structure.

Mesa Rectifier Rackmount with Mercury Magnetics transformers
> Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Remember those big radio rock rectifier walls? Well, plug in your 7-String and rock out!

Maxon OD808 > Marshall JCM800 2204with Soldano Hot Mod
> Mesa Stiletto 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
This is a raw in-your-face tone with a throat cutting attitude and a lot of bite.

Maxon OD808 > Soldano HotRod 100+ with SLO100 Specs
> Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
“Boutique” take on a modern tone. Works great with downtuned guitars, thick midrange.

Maxon OD808 > Krank Krankenstein+ > Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Slightly scooped tone with a big round low end and very unique voicing, not too much gain, lots of
attack. Doesn't work for every player but might be magical for others (needs a strong picking hand).

Maxon OD820 > Engl Richie Blackmore > Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Modern tone for very technical playing, lots of top end cut. Works great for dark sounding guitars
and low tunings.

Maxon OD820 > EVH 5150III
> Mesa Rectifier V30s 4x12 cabinet > SM57
Downtuned guitars, breakdowns, thick chords... Chug away!

Maxon OD820 > Diezel Hagen Prototype with KT88 Tubes
> Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Juicy mid range with some low end smear, works best for styles that don't require
the fastest palm mute tracking. LOVES EMGs. Another very unique tone

Maxon OD808 > Mesa Rectifier Rev. F
> Mesa Stiletto 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57 + R121
One of my favourites. A very tight rhythm guitar tone with just the right amount of gain.
This one demands a great picking hand with a hard attack and will throw any weakness
right into your face, but it'll also reward great players with an extremely awesome tone
that feels like an extension of your hands. LOVES downtuned guitars with EMGs.

Maxon OD808 > Marshall JVM410 modded by a famous amp guru
> Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Extremely high gain, unique mid range “smear”, works great with passive pickups.
Add some delay for liquid lead tones.

Maxon OD820 > Bogner Überschall Rev2 with 6CA7 Tubes
> Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
Deep lows, very aggressive high end. Works great for death metal.

Maxon OD820 > Peavey 5150 with Bias mod
> Marshall 1960AV 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57
This is one that Mr. Flynn might like!
A modern Sound with some “grainyness” added by the Marshall cab... Let freedom ring!

Maxon OD808 > Soldano HotRod 100+ with SLO100 Specs
> Mesa Stiletto 4x12 cabinet with V30s > SM57 + R121
No matter what guitar, pickup or tuning, this will put a smile on your face and inspire you...
I promise!

So awesome!
Can't wait for the day I can try it out :lol:

Kinda surprise though that you didn't use the Übercab on any of those?
100% sure that all the profiles are killer, but still...why?

Also: Where is that profile?! ;)
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Lasse - are these raw tones captured straight from the mic(s) or is there some post processing in there as well?
Here's something i thought everyone might get a kick out of.

Lasse kemper profile (Hard Hitter) no post production Rhythms L n R, Lasse Kemper profile Mean Bastard Leads (added my own flavoring to it) Charles J Panzer Kick (drum bussed), Nashville Snare (comped), johnwormwood kemper PSA bass profile no post.

sorry if it sounds "eh" did it in a hurry.

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