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On a Coroner rampage since I just recently got around to checking them out.

Fucking adore what I hear.

Also I've learned where a certain forumers name comes from;):lol:


I prefer epidemic of violence to tortured existence. Thoughts?

Epidemic of Violence is the heavier of the two but Tortured Existence had catchier songs and superior production if you ask me - alongside Cannibal Corpse's "The Bleeding" album, TE has my favourite production sound ever.

EoV is the heaviest album ever made, though I think they sacrificed some of the catchiness that TE had in favour of heaviness. No complaints though.

Just started:


I just can't describe how much I love these guys:worship:

And since I just got the entire Coroner discography on this page in extra large format, I think I just won this page:p
You mean I did all that for nothing!?


At least the music was awezome:p