Last Album You Listened to in Full?


How is it? Haven't gotten around to giving it a listen yet.

Nice album cover. :loco:
How is it? Haven't gotten around to giving it a listen yet.

Nice album cover. :loco:

Too right it's a nice cover. Even better music. Tame Impala. Check it.

The Mastodon EP is... well there's blatently timing mistakes in Death March... Like how the fuck did Mastodon miss those? There's a few more throughout the whole EP. Not the tightest thing they have ever done. First 3 songs are just pretty much the same thing all the way through. Train Assault is the best of the EP. Feels like an actual song but lacks the words I supose. But I guess it's just a soundtrack... Not the best.

The two alternate tracks are the same tracks as before but with ad-lib guitar leads over the top with an awful 'buzzsaw' sort of guitar tone. They aren't worth listening to, to be honest.

I wouldn't mind it if they could rework some of the riffs (Or lack of riffs....) and make some good songs for the next album. Train Assault would be a good songs with some vocals and some Sabbath styled solo.
About to finish this in a little bit, just a few tracks left,

Edit: Done, fucking amazing, he cried on the last track, that was interesting, in a good way :kickass:
Gorrilaz - Demon Dayz
Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power
Opeth - Damnation
Opeth - Black Water Park
Evile - Enter Tut Grave
Evile - Infected Nations
Evile - All Hallows Eve

Just a few I can remember from over the past few days.