Last Album You Listened to in Full?

Wall of Sleep - When Mountains Roar
Bal Sagoth - Starfire Burning Upon the Ice-Veiled Thrones of Ultima Thule
Sepultura - Beneath the Remains
Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence
Solstice - Solstice
Forbidden - Twisted into Form
Heathen - Victims of Deception
Megadeth - Rust in Peace
Artillery - Beneath the Remains
Flotsam and Jetsam - Doomsday for the Deceiver
Vio-Lence - Eternal Nightmare
Vendetta - Brain Damage
Kreator - Terrible Certainty
Aspid - Extravasation

Long day of thrash. :lol:
Oh hell yeah. I picked up the last copy that Amazon UK had, and it took almost three weeks to get here, but the wait was worth it. :D