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:kickass: An amazing album..10 songs in just under 30 minutes. Listening to this album I can't help but think that every thrash album recorded since RIB has fallen short of equaling what Slayer accomplished here. This is how I like my thrash; short, fast and fucking brutal. :rock:
Those top two have some awesome art. What genre are they?

Yeah! I picked up the Artificial Brain one just for the art!

Morbus Chron is outright swedish death metal (with some progressive tidbits) and Artificial Brain is a weird mix of tech death and black metal (closest thing I can compare it to is Deathspell Omega with more tech and less french).

Both are pretty good but oddly enough, the Kriegsmaschine album, which has clearly the worst art, is the best of them all. Evil as fuck black metal.



This album saved me so badly. It was the perfect "It's 4am and my energy for this overnight shift is waning so it's time for some music..." album. :lol: