Last Album You Listened to in Full?



Some of my favorite lyrics in all of metal are on this album!

"I have come into possession of a certain ancient book, a collection of arcane scrawlings reputed to have been derived from an even earlier transcription, allegedly lost during the great fire of 1666. The Chthonic Chronicles!"

"And so it was written, that rage would carry him like a howling wind, leaving only frozen corpses,
Their bones rattling in hollow armour, to tell their tale in his wake."
King Crimson - In The Court of the Crimson King
Wintersun - Wintersun
Amon Amarth - With Oden on Our Side
Animals as Leaders - The Joy of Motion
Diablo Swing Orchestra - Pandora's Piñata
Klaus Badelt - Motorstorm Apocalypse OST
Gojira - L'Enfant Sauvage
Coroner - Mental Vortex
Shining - IV: The Eerie Cold

Today was a productive day.
I just set up that playlist and worked for 8 hours straight. :lol:



Ridiculous death metal! The drumming is just balls-out insanity :kickass: