Last Album You Listened to in Full?

I fell asleep to The Force - Onslaught. I was then rudely awoken by a loud rumbling at 5.30am which turned out to be an earthquake. Seriously! In the UK(ish)!

Really an earthquake????

how strong it feel?

I remember the one last year (well i dont), i was near the epicentre but was drunk and at a rock club so didnt feel a thing and then started wondering when people started txtin me bout an earthquake
Brilliant band, brilliant album, brilliant lads, brilliant Onslaught covers :D

... Well, dunno about the last one since I ain't heard 'em haha

Sepultura - Under a Pale Gray Sky

I meant to say something about this back when we were discussing warpath, but somehow never did.
*ascends soapbox*
Must Richard rap the entire album? he doesn't yell, growl, scream, or sing on the album. He is blatently raping, and it is the only reason I can't listen to the album anymore. It's a shame, because the musicianship is exelent. I likend them to a modern day Megadeth.
*Hopps off soapbox*
Really an earthquake????

how strong it feel?

I remember the one last year (well i dont), i was near the epicentre but was drunk and at a rock club so didnt feel a thing and then started wondering when people started txtin me bout an earthquake

It didn't feel that strong, kinda like a big rumble of thunder and a train going by but not too close. My money jars and models were rattling and usually the only thing that does that is the helicopter going over or people slamming doors in the house. It was apparently 3.3 on the Richter scale.