Last Album You Listened to in Full?


Honestly? I actually listened to Code Red and 'Sodom' the same day... just only posted those 4. I never think of Sodom as one of my favourite bands for some reason but I actually like a lot of their albums more than I think... Bar their first couple of releases, which sound like ass, and the odd weakish album, they've been consistently pretty great!!
^ Going to listen to this (after seeing you post it so much :lol: )




Two awesome albums I've hadn't listened to in far too long...
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I gave these two a listen (in between my infinite replays of Hell Unleashed), and I still can't figure out why Skull doesn't feel as memorable as the other albums. I think the only consistent thing I can maintain about the album is that I don't like the album art and Tomb is my least favourite Evile track ever.
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I remember making a post about the album art for Skull and Matt responded with an explanation for the idea behind the concept.
My rankings of Evile albums based on album art:
1) Enter the Grave
2) Infected Nations
3) Skull
4) Hell Unleashed
5) Five Serpent's Teeth

Friend of mine convinced me to finally give this band a shot. This album is pretty great and I'm excited to hear other ones! :kickass: