Last Album You Listened to in Full?

*returns vMetallicav's high five and goes for the double with...*

Lamb Of God - Ashes Of The Wake

I couldn't get into the Airbourne album at all. All the songs sound the same and I got bored listening to it. Every time.

Yeah, what Dale said, you have to see Airbourne Live. The album just doesnt say it.

That Lamb Of God album is the best theyve ever done IMO the new one is ok but its nothing special.

On another note....

The Beach Boys - Greatest Hits (How metal is that?)
Well the new Lamb Of God album is the only one of their's so far that I've gotten into straight away. The others had to sink in a bit.

The Beach Boys are metal as fuck. :lol:

Last listened to: To Mega Therion (Original) - Celtic Frost
Well the new Lamb Of God album is the only one of their's so far that I've gotten into straight away. The others had to sink in a bit.

The Beach Boys are metal as fuck. :lol:

Last listened to: To Mega Therion (Original) - Celtic Frost

Bar Bar Bar, Bar Barbara Ann

Went to the dance, lookin' for romance
Saw Barbara Ann so I thought I'd take a chance
Yeah its just the concert. It looked like a show that would've been worth seeing though. I would only of been eight at the time and you would still of been in nappies... Oh wait you still are. :lol: Just kidding Dave. Actually that means you're the same age as my sister.

Resurrection Remastered - Halford
Yes its good. But its a bit lacking in some places. I can't think what its lacking though. The solos are still there, there's even one from the mighty Mr Mustaine. Its less industrial this time more just straight metal. Its definately worth more than a listen. I've been calling it more mature, I think that sums it up well.