Last Album You Listened to in Full?

From my Ultimate Alliance 2 marathon :

Metallica - ...And Justice For All
Pantera - Far Beyond Driven
Death Angel - Act III
Opeth - Morningrise
Slayer - South of Heaven
Ozzy Osbourne - Blizzard of Ozz

Haven't listened to this for aaaaaaaaaaages!

> Leviathan

But last listened to;


Shocking eh? Hahaha.
I can't comment on the Crack the Skye > Leviathan statement as I've yet to listen to the latest Mastodon album. I'm sure it's very good though, they're one of the best bands around in the mainstream at the moment.

Last album I listened to was this:


Grotesque - In the Embrace of Evil

Fantastic band featuring two of the founding members of At The Gates and well known metal artist Kristian Wåhlin, also known as 'Necrolord'
I can't comment on the Crack the Skye > Leviathan statement as I've yet to listen to the latest Mastodon album.

I was actually put off it by all the hype surrounding it before it came out, and haven't listened to it yet. They were basically going on about how it actually is the best album ever, and is better than any other music that ever came before it in any style or genre written by anyone ever.

Frankly there are few albums that match up to Master of Puppets in my opinion. And two of them are the ones released before and after it. Being that Leviathan was a good album, but nothing particularly groundbreaking, I have my doubts.
Crack the Skye is indeed fucking great.


This just manages to somehow get better every time... Genuinely one of my many favourite albums ever.
Yesterday :
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, Number of the Beast

Last night :
Pantera - Far Beyond Driven
Sepultura - Arise
I get loads of Japanese interspersed with English. Some of my favourite bits include:

因為*近兩年既Retro Thrash[亦有人叫New Wave Of Thrash Metal, 點講都係名一個遮] Trend炒得太勁,
我自己覺得, 兩睇羅, Retro Thrash係咁架啦, 懷舊呀嗎, 復刻呀嗎, 就係刻意去跟以前果套去做,
所以呢個係我一直唔聽Retro野既原來, 始終跟人玩, 同80年代自己玩出黎試出黎既,
感覺上係好有分別, 不過舊野我都已經聽左咁多啦, 算啦! Why So Serious?


加上好足夠有凸既速度同侵略性, 係100% Old School Thrash Metal既音樂同態度,
完全冇話有咩雜質, 連cover art個idea都夠80', [真係幾好睇既個cover!]
結他vocal Matt Drake佢係唱帶有少少火既沉清聲,